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As your arm twists, you hiss in pain and it shoots up, resisting your fall.

"Let me go!" You kick the rock beneath you, tears stinging your eyes. Some of the rocks break loose and fall to the ground far beneath you.

"Summer!" She yells. Her face was barely visible. You couldn't tell if it was dark or just the tears.

She pulls you upward and you yell for her to let you go again.


With one loud grunt, she lifts you over the top, shoving you back. She falls backwards, dropping over the edge.

"Natasha!" You scream at the top of your lungs, watching her fall. You had no control over it any more, and you couldn't help.

As she faded, you saw her arm raise towards you, reaching out. You did the same until you couldn't see anymore, letting tears race her to the bottom.

A bright light exploded above you, finalizing her death. You scream as loud as you can, but everything seems muted and in slow motion.

The light seems to grow brighter and forcing itself around you, wrapping you in a blanket of white heat.

Your feet lift from the ground and your head falls back, widely exposing your chest. The light grows brighter, blinding you.

Everything fades to black and you shut your eyes tightly, harshly dropping to the ground.

"Summer?" You hear voices in the darkness but you don't move, excruciating pain shooting through you as you breathed.

You figured it must have been a long drop from wherever that happened, but you couldn't bother to care. The only thing on your mind was Nat.

"Summer?" The voice repeated. You recognized it, but couldn't connect it with someone you knew. You knew that you knew them, though.


You slowly open your eyes, squinting in the darkness.

"Summer, Summer." Hands held both sides of your face, tilting it.


"Wh- you- am I dead?" You try to sit up, but more pain floods through you, forcing you back down. You groan loudly, shutting your eyes.

"Stay down, Summer. It's okay." She hushes you, resting her hands on your shoulders.

"What happened?"

"You happened." She smiled, brightening your mind with happiness just seeing it.

"Wh—" the door opens, cutting you off.

"Is she awake?"

"Bruce?" You call out.

"I'll take that as a yes. Loki, you're up."


Before you get a chance to speak, a sharp point presses into your chest, resting on your skin. It fills you with cold shivers and memories.

You scream as Nat falls. Light explodes above you, then surrounds you. That light is your making, your power. You anger, your hurt, you brought Nat back. You both dropped— literally— in the cafeteria while everyone was there. We rushed you both here. You have a few burns but the both of you made it out alive.

The memories fade and you gasp, opening your eyes that you hadn't realized you'd closed.

"I... I can do that?"

All three of them hovered over you, nodding.

"We'll let you rest and heal, and life will be normal."

"Yeah, okay." You sigh, closing your eyes again.


I'm not making another chapter for the epilogue bc this ones already really short so *epilogue*

You glance at yourself in the mirror once more before the man behind you speaks.

"Are you ready?"

"Uh... no." You squeal, excited but terrified at the same time.

"You'll do great, come on."

You follow Tony out the door, wrapping your arm around his as he brings you forward.

Your eyes land on Nat, the gorgeous red-head dressed in a long white dress.

You stand across from her, smiling widely.

The pastor says a bunch of words that don't really matter to you, as your focus stays on the beauty in front of you.

"Do you, Natasha take Summer as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

He repeated his words, switching the names.

"I do." You copy Natasha.

"You may kiss the bride."

You and Nat step toward each other. She wraps her arm around your waist, pulling you close.

You press your lips to hers and everyone around you applauds, whooping and cheering.

After a moment, she pulls away, opening her eyes and smiling at you.

"I love you."

"I love you, too." You lean in for a quick second, pecking her on the lips.

You had finally married the woman you had been in love with for ten years.

A/N- hi!! No way some of you made it this far! This took me 6 months whereas some stories take me a few weeks! I never really found interest in this, and had a hard time with inspiration. Nearly 8k reads tho! How?? I'm writing another Nat x reader, based on the red room. It's called Kidnapped. I really thought this one sucked so I'm surprised it got the most reads out of all my stories combined. Anyway, have fun! And don't let your parents find your accounts!

Peace 👽✌🏻

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