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You squeeze your eyes shut tighter as the scepters energy pulses into you.

You feel the scepter get removed. You open your eyes and Loki stands, backing up.

"You're welcome, darling,"

"What did you do?"

He steps forward, holding his hand out and you flinch, hiding your face behind your hands. When nothing happens, you remove them to find Loki still standing there, the scepter gone and he continues holding his hand out. You look at him confused.

"Come on," he reaches down, grabbing you and pulling you up. He lets go of you once you're standing and you freeze, expecting to fall, but you dont.

No pain.

"Did you... heal me?" You ask, "my legs, at least." You look down.

"I did,"  he places his hand under your chin, making you look up. He places his other hand around your waist.

"I'm 16, and Wanda says you're like, 1200,"

"That's in Asgardian years, in human years I am actually only 17,"

"But- nevermind," he inches his head closer to you, and you feel your heart beating faster.


"Yes?" his forehead it touching yours, you flinch when he bumps where the scepter left a Mark.

"Not you, I'm talking to JARVIS,"


Just then Tony comes in wearing his suit.

"How'd you get out of your cage, old man?"

"Not you again," he whined, spinning around to face him.

"Told you there was a good reason to keep JARVIS on," he notices that Loki isn't touching you while you stand, "you- you're standing well,"

"Tony, listen," you walk towards him with your hands up.

"And walking, wow, that was fast,"

"Loki healed me, or my walking, at least."

"He, he did?" He looks past you at Loki, who's arms are not held together behind his back politely.

"I did, didn't I," he smiles, walking towards us slowly. You're still looking at Tony.

"What was he doing when I came in?"

"That's none of your business, Stark," Loki snarks back.

"Actually, I helped save a life that you almost destroyed, so you back the hell up, and let the lady talk,"

"You listen here, midguardian, you will kneel to me,"

"Nope, now come on, we're taking you back to your cage," he reached for Loki's wrist to pull him along but his hand went right through him, the illusion fading away.

"Shit," he looks around for clues as to where Loki may have gone, "god DAMN IT!" he yells.

"What's going on?" Wanda pops her head in.

"Loki is out and I don't know where," Tony turned around, startled by Wanda.

"Oh no, are you okay, Summer?"

"Yeah, actually, he healed me, I can walk now!"

"Well that's good, but don't let that make you trust him. He isn't trustworthy."

"Ok, I understand,"

"Good, ok get to sleep," Wanda leaves again.

"Yep," the door closes just in time.

"Night, Summer. Anything like that happens again, JARVIS is listening."

"Right." He begins walking to the door.

"Wait, Tony,"

"Yeah?" He turns back around to face you.

"Uh, can you shut the blinds? I can't reach them and I don't feel comfortable with there being a large wonder where anyone that walks by can see me sleeping."

He walks back, reaching up to get ahold of the blinds. He pulls down, "there you go, night,"

"Night," you climb back into bed, falling asleep almost immediately.


You wake up to find the blonde haired blue eyed man from yesterday entering the room.

"And you are?"

"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you. I'm Steve."

"Hi Steve, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to bring you to Fury,"

"Uh, what for?" You ask, sitting up.

"He never tells anyone anything," he scoffed, laughing slightly. A man you recognize as Thor brings you clothes.

"Change into these, Fury will see you shortly." Steve says as Thor hand you the clothing. You take it from him.

"Right, thanks. I'll go get ready."

They leave the room and you get up on your own, happy you can finally do that now. You walk over to another room with the guess of it being a bathroom.

Turns out you're correct, you decide to shower, since, counting the weeks you were out, it's been a while. You take 10 minutes, using the products already provided for you. You get the clothes on, a sweatshirt, obviously Tony's design. It was red and read 'Stark industries', with black jeans, white socks, and black converse.

You look in the mirror, disgusted at your hair. You look around for a brush but fail. You walk over to JARVIS.

"Do you, by any chance, have a hairbrush?"

Nothing returns, besides the door opening a moment later. It was Wanda.

"Stark said you needed a brush?"

"Yes, thank you."

"Anytime," she smiles and closes the door. You walk back to the bathroom, looking in the mirror as you brush your hair. You finish weeks worth of knots and tie your hair into a bun. A casual lazy outfit.

You open the door to leave but find Steve waiting for you.

"I'll show you the way."

"Ok," you tag along on his left shoulder. He takes you down a few twists and turns, and you stop at a door with a bird- looking icon on it. He opens the door and allows you in. You walk into a dark room with Fury on the other side.

"Sit," you hear him state through the darkness.

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