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You slowly open your eyes. You sit up, but find it hard, your ankles, wrists, and a bad over your stomach all hold you down. You open your hand and close it as hard as possible but nothing happens. Somethings wrong.

You look over and see Loki on your left and Nat on your right. Loki is asleep but Nat looks over at you as you turn your head towards her.

"Morning sunshine,"

"Nat, where are we?"

You see her take a quick glance around, "looks like they do something illegal in here," she looks back at you. You sigh and stop struggling. The bed you're forced onto is flat and metal, making your spinal cord throb.

"Loki? Loki!" You whisper a yell hoping to get his attention as his eyelids flutter. What really got his attention is the door flying open. In your position you can't see who's entering.

"Come on," you here a soft whisper as your hands, feet, and waist glow red along with the other 2. No, not you, the metal around you. You watch as it splits open, allowing you to finally move. You get off off the bed and help Nat and then Loki.

"What happened?" You turn to Wanda.

"I heard the word 'experiment' go around and knew the only possibility was you. Didn't think Natasha and Loki would be here,"

"They were with me when I— we— blacked out."

"Makes more sense, let's go," she grabs your hand pulling you and you beckon for Nat and Loki to follow.

"May I ask, where are we going?" Loki's voice appears raspy.

"My quarters, I know a hiding place from there,"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. built this, they know every corner," Nat cuts in.

"I built this one myself," Nat didn't reply to that, she just kept following. Wanda let go of your wrist and you rubbed it, allowing it to adjust to the cool air.

You reach her room and she opens the door, revealing a very colorful room, light pink walls with white furniture, a purple fuzzy rug, rainbow bedding and 3 nice lamps.

Before you go inside, you check around for security cameras, noticing one in the corner, but on the ground, shattered. You nod and walk in behind the others and Wanda closes and locks the door behind you.

"Nice place, mines all white, black and red," Nat looks around.

"On my home planet, mine is green, gold, and black but I am here, forced away from home." Loki glares at Nat.

"Why can't you go home now? You're out of there," you look at him concerned.

"I should add 'was'. Was forced away."

"What's the difference?"

"I want to be here, with you now," he looks over at you. You look to Nat with a 'do something' look.

"Hey, old man, leave her alone," she got the message.

"Why should I? Because you love her and don't want the chance that she won't choose you to exist? Because you love her?"

Nats face turns red and she slaps him.

"You hit like a girl," Loki chuckles.

"Maybe that's because she is a girl," Wanda had clearly never enjoyed fights. She was backed up, looking away. Honestly surprising she said anything at all.

"You listen here, child—"

"Alright, bye bye," Wanda used her magic and flushed him outside through the window.

"Nice," Nat smiles at Wanda. You smile too and walk over to sit down.

"Summer, Nat, either of you want food? And you can turn on the TV, I have Netflix,"

"Peanut butter sandwiches?" Nat turns to you.

"Yes, thank you," you look from Nat to Wanda then over to the window to see Loki crawling back in.

"Don't do anything, Loki," you stare at him. He sighs and sits down next to you, grabbing the remote.

"All agree on something!" Wanda says from the kitchen. Loki keeps scrolling.

"What's Glitch? Looks cool," Nat says and Loki goes back to read the description and let the trailer play.

"Not only looks, sounds pretty cool too, let's watch it," you say and he clicks OK, allowing Glitch to begin.

Wanda brings in the sandwiches, "Would you like one too, Loki?"

"No, thank you," he keeps his vision holes glued to the screen. Wanda sits down on the other side of the couch.

The episode ends and you decide to allow it to continue, very interested in why people came out of the ground.

Eventually, you grow tired, your head falling onto Nats shoulder. You feel her arm wrap behind you and your eyes flutter closed. You listen to the TV continue until you're lost in your dreams.

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