In The Mind

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The movie ends and still nothing from Fury about missing people.

Does he even notice us?

Probably not, Lokis voice answers, echoing through your head. You turn to him in confusion.

Are you reading my thoughts?

I didn't feel like bothering you with that, I am only communicating.

But you read the thought before you answered.

I can listen to them but I can also ignore them.

Please don't listen to my thoughts

I won't if you don't want me to.

Thank you. You turn back to the movie.

By the way, Natasha seems to like you. He said.

Oh, really?

Yes, it seems you're the first person shes ever felt a real love connection with.

You don't answer, you sit there, wondering if he's telling the truth. Your thought train continues and you realize something.

I want her to like me. I want her to like me because I like her.

The thought rings through your head and blocks your attention on the tv. Your face turns red and you lean your head back on the end of the couch, letting out a breath.

"What's wrong?" Natasha turns to you, her red hair sliding off her shoulders and down her back.

"My head hurts," you close your eyes.

"Know why?"

"Not a clue,"

"Hmm" she sighs, leaning into you. You smile at the ceiling.

"Get a room, guys," Loki speaks.

Shut up, Loki! You direct your thoughts to him.

I'm just trying to help your situation.

"Nah, the couch is fine, right Summer?"

"Exactly," you side eye Loki with your head still thrown back. You notice a small shrug shake from him and he forms a book, opening it to the marked page and scanning through it.

The book didn't have a title, it was just an emerald green with a small, shiny, golden snake on the front. It was a hardcover, with approximately 400 pages judging the size.

You close your eyes and feel your pulse slowing in your stretched throat. You listen to the shallow breathing of the humans around you. To concentrate yourself, you recognize the breathing of each person, separating the sounds. You mentally note the sounds of each breath.

Loki: rugged, frustrated, bored
Wanda: excited, intrigued, happy
Natasha: shallow, soft, beautiful

You take your last conscious breath as your brain rests for a short while.


You awake, alone, in a dark room.

"Hello? Guys?" You call out, hoping for an answer, but met with silence. You sit up from the couch to look for a source of light to illuminate the room with.

Placing your foot on the ground, a liquid immediately seeps into your skin, painting more of the floor around you.

You try to figure it out, which liquid you may have stepped in, or why it might've been there.

A scent fills the air, causing you to cringe and breathe through your mouth. You continue walking, leaving a trail behind you. You search around through the darkness for a switch or light under a door.

Your hand touches something soft, then moves down to something cold and hard. You run your fingers around it, feeling for clues to what it is.

Chains. Why the hell did Wanda have chains in here? Still in the living room, right?

You remove your hand, sliding it upwards. Another soft, but at the same time, hard object. Hard with a soft covering. Running your fingers around it, you feel more liquid, but this time it seems almost hardened.

You feel out the shape of a face, lining the bridge of the nose and feeling hair.

Long hair.

You toss your hand back down to the chain, feeling the area above them.

It's Loki.

You feel for your phone I. Your pocket but can't find it. You rush to every wall, in a desperate search for some sort of light. Your hand feels a light switch and you flip it on, red filling your vision.

Your hands, feet, the floor, walls, blood spreads all across them. You walk back to Loki and gape in horror at his body.

He was chained to a chair, beaten and bloody. His eyes were gauged out and blood leaked from his nose and mouth as though it was Satan's waterfall. There were many tears in his clothing and the chains held him tight, probably not allowing him to move the slightest inch.

When did this occur? How did I not hear it? Where am I?

Where am I?

You repeat to yourself, spinning around. You don't recognize the area, and continue throughout the house.

You finally spot the couch you sat up from to see Nat and Wanda in the same spots as before, the exact same as Loki.

It's not real, it's not real, it's not real.

You repeat over and over, trying to calm your racing heart.

You stare at the crimson liquid that flows all around you, flooding your mind.

"Nat," your voice breaks as you walk towards her corpse, placing your hand on her blood - crusted cheek, cradling her head in one hand, reaching down for her hand to take into yours.

You recognize this feeling.


More than before.

It's different.


"Natasha...." tears drain slowly from your eyes.

"SUMMER!" A yell erupts, terrifying you.

You look up, Nat is staring right at you. Your eyes widen as she stands from the chair, the chains snapping from around her and collapsing to the ground.

"Summer!" She yells at you again and your vision changes entirely.

The room is warm and bright, a usual sunlight filling your eyes. It spills in from the window beside you, blinding you for a few seconds. You squint to make out the figures ahead of you. It's a large blur, but 3 figures stand above you. 3 tan blobs, one with black surrounding it and the other two with a reddish - orange surrounding.

"Summer," a soft voice came from a black oval that formed in one of the tanned blobs.

"Nnh," you groan, snapping your head to the side.

"Are you ok?" A hole formed and disappeared in the same blob.

"Mhmm," you fail to form words so settle for vocal sounds.

"Do you remember what happened?" The one with black surrounding asked.

Your vision cleared up a little bit and you were able to form more detail on the blobs.



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