the end of x

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"Not even the Great Wall of China?" 

"Still no." 

Bittersweet reminiscence lingered in the air, almost a tangible pungent smell. The medals have been awarded, the sushi has been gobbled, even the 'Wonders of the World' map doesn't inspire the same awe as it did on the plane ride to Tokyo. Beastboy appropriately dubbed the team's symptoms "Vacation hangover." 

"Where we go next is the least of our problems, B." Cyborg mock-gagged. "If those two don't stop making goo-goo eyes in my ship, I'm gonna burst a blood vessel." 

Both Robin and Starfire sprang from their trance and began to fuss over misplaced items strewn about the aircraft, whistling awkwardly to cover their moments-ago canoodling. 

"Do you even have blood in the robot parts?" Beastboy tapped Cyborg's metallic arm the way a child would tap the glass of a fish tank. 

Before Cyborg could strangle the changeling where he stood, a piercing scream reverberated from the jet's bathroom. Raven. 

"Not again." Robin winced. They scrambled to their teammates' side, tripping over scattered luggage to the lavatory. 

She emerged, her bony knees quaking with wobbles. She hobbled two pity steps before succumbing to her inner turmoil, sagging into Beastboy's arms. 

"We're really worried about you, Rae." Beastboy rubbed circles into her twitching back. "This has happened 5 times since we started the trip home." 

"I'm fine. Or at least, I will be." Raven gritted her teeth to keep from spasming. "It's just...the pain, Beastboy. So many souls crying out in agony." 

She locked eyes with her leader, a silent prayer to ease the incoming torment of her words. "And it's getting worse and worse as we get closer to Jump." 

"Whatever's happenin' over there, Titans East got it. Ya really think Bee would let anything happen?" Cyborg said, skeptical. "And if something did, she better not be too stubborn to call me about it," he mumbled under his breath. 

"You're right. You have to be." Raven coaxed to herself. "My chakra might be out of place. I have to meditate." She whisked up a telepathic black barrier in the shape of a crow, her soul-self drowning out the garbled noise of other's emotions. 

"Back to normal. That's my Rae." Beastboy cautiously smiled, petting the dark shield gently. "So, how 'bout a visit to Hollywood?" 



After three direction fights, two secret makeout sessions, and one very exasperated half-demon's meltdown, the T-ship touched down. The Titans tumbled out of their aviator, motion sickness throwing a wrench into their walk. 

"Thank X'hal we are here!" Starfire stretched her limbs one by one, clenching her nine stomachs. "I believe I have to use the rest of rooms." 

"No kidding." Beastboy arched a hind leg to itch behind his ear. "Raven was hogging it the whole time for her quote-unquote 'inner peace.' " 

"LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO MY BABYYYY." Cyborg lamented, weeping over his prized machinery. "Speedy took her to a carwash. A CARWASH. She's handwash ONLY!" 

"Your car got annihilated in a race with Ding Dong Daddy, a makeover by Gizmo, and hacked by Overload." Raven deadpanned. "It'll live." 

"Speaking of the East crew..." Robin dangled an envelope in front of Cy's artificial vision processor. "We have a letter." 

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