Prom Night

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Beastboy was staring out the window, looking at two friends snapping pictures of Titans Tower below. It was a few weeks after Robin was forced to accompany Kitten to the prom by her evil father. The whole thing was a little crazy, but it reminded Beastboy of one thing: The Titans were not normal teens.

He lept up from the couch angrily. "Dudes!" He yelled. "Why don't we ever do anything fun?" 

Cyborg was lying on the other side of the couch, calmly reading a book. "What do you mean we don't have fun? We kick butt. No one's around to tell us what to do. The city donates us unlimited waffles. What more do you want?" 

"I don't know, Cy. Just normal teen stuff! Like sneaking out, or going to a concert!" Beastboy folded his arms and sat back down in a huff.

"BB,nothing about this team is normal and you know it."

"Exactly. I just want to go out in public and not be stared at! And by stared at, I don't mean in the good way."  

"Well, having powers comes with a cost, grass stain." Cyborg ruffled Beastboy's hair and walked out of the room to go play chess with Raven.

Beastboy put his head in his hands. He wanted to do something to at least pretend that he was a regular guy, even if he lived with 4 other superpowered teens in a giant tower, fighting crime. But what would it be? He looked at Robin and Starfire, who were talking. Maybe they could give him some ideas.

"Hey guys-" He tried to cut in, but they were too engrossed in their conversation to even look at him.

"So this prom that Kitten took you to is a rite of passage for teenage earthlings?" Starfire looked confused.

"Not exactly, Star, but it's a big deal." Robin said a few more words about what a prom was, but Beastboy wasn't listening. He had just come up with the best idea ever.

"I got it!" He jumped up and started to run to Cyborg's room.

"Got what, friend Beastboy?" Starfire looked at him confusingly.

"I'll explain later!" He dashed past them, and threw open Cyborg's door.

"Cyborg, I know what to do!"

Cyborg looked puzzled. "Do what?" 

Beastboy's face was shining with excitement. "A superhero prom!" 

3 days later

Beastboy was putting up decorations on the roof. Cyborg looked at him skeptically. "So you really want to do this?"

"Duh! Other teens can, why can't we!" Beastboy nailed down another streamer.  

"I don't want anyone messing with my tower, BB. Besides, this thing might cause drama between the team." 

"Don't worry, Cy. Everything will be under control. You can count on me!" Beastboy winked and carelessly dropped the hammer he was holding, which made a small dent in Titans tower's roof.

"I feel so reassured." Cyborg rolled his eyes and walked downstairs.


Ever since Starfire had learned about the prom, she had been freaking out. She bought a truckload of makeup, read up everything she could about proms, than demanded that someone would accompany her to the "mall of shopping" so they could buy a dress. Raven knew that she would probably be that someone. What she didn't know was that they would end up at a lingerie store.

"Please, what secret does victoria have?" Starfire asked, looking intently at the undergarments.

"Star, this is not where you get prom dresses." Raven dragged her away from the more embarrassing stores, and practically shoved Starfire into a sears so that they wouldn't have to have an awkward conversation. 

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