Before the Fall (part two)

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The last thing she could remember was falling. 

Not floating, not diving, just falling. 

By now the titans were rushing to her aide, each trying to fight off the demon to get to her.

But it was no use. 

Raven hit the ground with a thud, and no one knew if she was alive or dead. If she had been awake, she would've seen Starfire weeping, Robin slumped to the ground in defeat, Cyborg in shock, and Beastboy staring at the corpse.

"I-I killed her." He stepped back and put his head in his hands. "I said that rude stuff about her and she went up to the roof and I killed her." Beastboy weeped, unable to compose himself any longer. The Titans tried to comfort him, but he pushed them off his shoulder. "Go away!" Running away from Raven's body, he turned himself into a dolphin and lept into the ocean.

Starfire lifted Raven up with ease, carrying her bridal style. "Is she really-" Starfire looked down at Raven's body, unable to finish her sentence.

"Dead? We don't know. She's not a normal human being. Either she is dead, or something's really going on in there." Robin looked at Raven's closed eyes, and sighed. "Wherever she is, I hope she's ok." 

Where she was, she was not. 

Surrounded by black, she woke up between two worlds, the place between life and death. Raven knew the demon had followed her there, and she was trying her best to resist.

"What do you want?" Raven asked quietly. "What do you want?"

"For the world to be saved."

"I can save it.. I can... please let me go back." 

The demon scoffed. "How many times, Raven, have you curled up in a bed, wishing not to be alive? How many times have you disappointed your teammates, them wishing you were someone else? How many times-"

"I don't CARE how many times!" Raven blasted the demon off her back with a black bolt. "Let me get back to my friends. Let me get back to my family."

"The end... the end is coming."  whimpered the demon, in a last attempt to make her stay.

"Yeah, I knew that." Raven reared up from the darkness, using the last of her strength to chant.

 "Azarath, Metrion, Zinthos, Necrocrum, hezbium, mortex, Zinthos, Metrion, Azarath!" A blast of white air engulfed everything, blasting away the demon.

And than, for the second time that day, everything went black.

5 days later..

Beep, Beeep, Beep, beep...

"Ugh, must be time to get up." Raven thought,  with her eyes still closed. "Although that doesn't sound like my usual alarm.."

Raven opened her eyes, and instead of seeing her room, she saw her friends huddled around a hospital bed, and she happened to be in it.

"Where-where am I?"

"Rest, Raven. You are with us." Starfire gently encouraged Raven to lie back down. 

"But.. what happened? Didn't I-" She took a deep breath and spit out the word. "Die?" 

"Your body was preserving itself in some way. Almost like you were-" 

"Possessed." Raven cut Robin off. "I know." 

Robin looked confused. "Why? Why did it go after you?" 

Raven suddenly went quiet, leaning back into her hospital bed. Robin sighed and put his head down.

"If you don't want to talk about it-" Robin began to get up.

"No." Raven stopped him. "It's time to tell you something.." 

The whole story tumbled out of Raven's mouth as fast as a rabbit could run. She told them about trigon, the end that was coming, and why the demon was after her. When she looked past at their shocked faces, she saw Beastboy stepping into her ward, tears in his eyes. 

"So it wasn't my fault?" He looked down at her with a small smile, and she could see that he was sorry.

Raven stood up and put her arms around him. "Of course not." she whispered.

"Woah.." said Beastboy, grinning. "You hugged me!" 

Raven stepped back and smirked. "Don't get used to it."

Robin had recovered from the shock and stood up, with Starfire holding on to his arm. "So.. is this 'End' still going to happen?"

Raven nodded. "Yes, but we're going to stop it." She looked around at her teammates smiling faces, and was glad that she had chosen to fight.



Sorry for taking so long to update, special thanks to @alexandel24 for encouraging me to. I've been on vacation :) 

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