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Summary: Starfire looks back on important memories as she is dying.

tw: death, mentions of trauma


They weren't all dead when I arrived.

Emotions were my flaw, so I kept mine buried. So important on Tamaran but something that could get you killed as a slave to these cold, harsh, monsters.

Anything could get you killed.

I didn't know who's screams I heard or felt the bones I was breaking.

All I knew was the unbridled fury, built up from 5 years of never-yielding pain.

I was horrified by my actions, so I fled.


They weren't all nice when I arrived.

I was used to hostility from far, strange worlds. 

But these aliens, with just 2 eyes and one head, looked at me like I was the hostile one. 

Really, I was just scared. 

The chains from my escape still clung to my bruised arms. I had to get them off.

One last step and I would finally be free.

Later I realized that much of half of the city had been plowed in my trail of destruction. But right then, I felt nothing but the weight of the restraints in my arms.

As I was attempting to break the cuffs, a red and green blur shot by me.  "Easy there, we don't want to hurt you."

To me, he was speaking in tongues. So I did the only thing I knew..

I kissed him. 

And as I leaned into Robin, my pathway in life started to become clear.


It wasn't all bliss when we arrived.

In Richard's mind, there was always a problem.

It wouldn't work because...

..Slade would try to hurt me.

..Batman wouldn't approve.

..He needed to focus on being a hero. 

but no matter what, me and Robin always ended up in each other's arms. 

We fell in love, and I couldn't stay away.


There were more bad times. Putrid names fluttered toward me like a bird.

Batman didn't  approve. My sister betrayed me. Racist remarks or being spit on were a normal part of going to the grocery store.

but my friends healed my broken pieces.

All the long hours of meditating and shopping with Raven.

Video games and goofing with Beastboy.

Deep conversations with Cyborg, about how it felt to be different from other humans, and yet the same.

And Dick Grayson...

He was my star crossed soulmate.

He will never be replaced.


They weren't focus. You have to get up. You cannot be rutha.


Richard..I'm here. I'm here. Why can't I speak to you?

" Wake up. Please wake up."

I will be awake soon, my love. We will get these big rocks off my tired body, and consume pizza to celebrate our victory. We'll watch an earth film and cuddle on the couch. But please hurry, it hurts so much...

It hurts too much.

I have had a good life. 

There has been torment, there has been trauma.

But there has also been love, joy, and hope.

I will always stay with you.

"I-I love you." 

The most perfect words in this alien language reached his ear one last time. 

"Starfire, no. Raven will heal you. Please don't sleep. Stay. Stay."

I could feel deep convulsions from Robin's chest as his warm body hugged my cold one with all his might.

"I love you too."

"With all my heart, Richard." With one final sigh, I leaned back onto his chest, hearing his blood pump and not mine. 

And surrendered.

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