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Summary: Dick and Kori haven't seen each other in years. What happens when they meet on a rooftop?

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans.

EDIT: please read the newer, better chapters instead of this. pleasepleaseplease.


(Kory/Starfire's POV)

I had been seeing him more and more.

In an alleyway when I was on patrol with the Titans. On his N-cycle when I visited Bludhaven. Even once with Damian, grabbing a coffee at Starbucks.

Even when I didn't see him, he was there. 

I had been doing some sleuthing. Reading Beastboy's texts to him. Intercepting Cyborg's calls. Finding out all I could about Nightwing and how he was doing, even though I had not seen him for many years. 

This "stalking" as Raven calls it, was wrong, but I wanted to check in on him, make sure he was ok. Maybe even learn a little about his life with Barbara and all that. 

  But the only way to do that without being "a creeper", as Beastboy says, was to visit him in person.

Raven advised me against it. She still has not forgiven him for what he did all those years ago.

But I did not listen.

I had a gut feeling. Maybe this visit was meant to be. Maybe it would let us become friends again, after much time of distance and hurt.

I landed softly on front of a brown, one story house. It was quiet, and peaceful. It stung a little when I remembered Barbara lived there as well.

I heard voices. He was home! I walked up to ring the doorbell, but I stopped in my tracks. The voices were rising, slowly but steadily. 

And then not so slowly. 

The voices turned into screaming, shouting, and crying. I could hear Babs' voice, high pitched, drowning out Dick's.

The screaming suddenly stopped. Now it was all sobs. I could hear 4 words from Barbara, short and definitive.

"Do me?"


I bristled. I was sad for Barbara, she was my friend, but something inside me felt like cheering. What was wrong with me?

I realized it as soon as the thought came to my mind. 

I loved Dick Grayson.

I walked away from the door, flying away just in time. If I hadn't been preoccupied in my own confusion, I would've seen him storming out the door with a suitcase in his hand just seconds later, tears streaming down his face.

But I learned that fact a few days later. 

"They broke up." Raven suddenly announced at the breakfast table 3 days after I had visited Dick's home.

"What?" Cyborg and I said at the same time, confused.

"Barbara and Dick broke up. Dick texted me out of the blue, telling me that they had split and he moved out. He hasn't texted me in years." Raven scoffed.

"No way!" exclaimed Cyborg, surprised. "Were they married?"

"No." said Raven. "But obviously they lived together." 

Raven was hiding a small smile. She and Nightwing used to be best friends. Even if she wouldn't admit it, she liked that he had reached out to her first when he and Batgirl broke up.

The crime alert whooped. "We can focus on gossip later." Cyborg stood up and looked at the scanner. "There's trouble." 

"But I haven't finished my waffflleeesss." Beastboy groaned.

"Some people never grow up." Raven rolled her eyes and dragged her protesting husband out the door.

When we reached the battlefield, it seemed that it was going to be an easy fight. It was only Dr. Chang, transporting xenothium to his base. I stopped the truck with my alien strength, and Raven opened the door. "It's over, Chang." Cyborg scowled. The evil professor started to back away slowly.

We heard a metallic voice coming from the back of the truck. "Maybe it's over for him, but I want to have my fun." 

"Red X." I growled, and tried to blast him with my starbolts, but he dodged. "Hey, cutie. Long time no see." He smirked.

"I did not wish to see you." I mumbled.

"Oh, really? I know you've been CHASING after me for some time." Red X laughed at his corny joke, than ran away. 

"Starfire, catch him!" Cyborg ordered. I nodded and flew, looking down at Red X, who was teleporting every 5 seconds. I flew downward, about to catch him, but then I heard a voice coming from the nearest rooftop. 

Dick's voice.

"Jason, we can't keep doing this!" He was calling out on the rooftop, and swearing. Who was this Jason that he was calling for? I decided to ask Raven later who that might be.

I got interrupted by chemicals getting thrown in my face.  "Catch me if you can." Red X smirked than teleported up to the rooftop where Dick was. I did not want to reintroduce myself to Dick like this, but I shrugged it off. Missions came before feelings. I flew up to the rooftop and readied my starbolts. "Red X, put your hands up-"

There was no one there except for Nightwing, staring at me. 

"Oh." I said. "I apologize. Red X was just here and-"

"No need, Star." Hearing that old nickname made me smile. It was like the years apart had never happened. "I'm looking for Red X too." 

"Well, it was nice to see you, but I should continue on with my mission." I began to fly away. I wish I hadn't seen him here of all places.

"No, wait, don't go-" He grabbed me by my feet and gently pulled me down. "I haven't seen you in years, Kori. You're not even going to say hi?" He looked hurt.

"I believe it is not appropriate to converse with you only days after your relationship with Barbara ended." I spat at him. 

"Oh, Star.." he looked sad. "I'm not looking for a rebound. I just wanted to talk."  

"Well, Mr. Grayson, I am working at the moment. If you wish to talk, you may call me." I smiled at him. I was glad that he wasn't the rebound type of person, but I wished to rekindle our relationship, whether it be love or friendship.

He smiled. "Thank you.." I quickly gave him a hug and began to fly away. I could barely hear him, but I still tell the story of what i am certain he whispered next.

"..Mrs. Grayson.

I smiled like an idiot, and resumed my search for Red X. He was nowhere to be found, but I had gotten something more in return for his escape.

I had gotten my soulmate back.


Author's note: Dick and Babs broke up because he realized he loved Kori and wanted to be with her. He paid Jason 20 bucks to get into his old Red X costume, and disappear at a.. convient moment. (The swearing was acting) Starfire still doesn't know, all these years later.

Instagram: robxstarstar


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