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Summary: There's problems at the a certain someone steps in. Plenty of Dickkory, but pretty short.


"Kori! Hey, Kor. Would you be a dear and get me some coffee?" 

Another raggedy old man, calling from a cubicle smaller than the dungeons on her home planet. Ever since she and Dick had bought a house together, a second job besides late-night hero work was necessary to make ends meet. So here she was, at Wayne enterprises, where the only thing anyone deemed her useful for was making coffee.

"I told you, Jerry." Starfire chastened gently but firmly. "I am the secretary for Mr. Grayson, not you." 

"Oh, you're such a prude." Jerry leaned back in his leather chair. "Get the coffee, and I'll do you.." he pulled out a crumpled dollar bill. "A few favors." 

Before Kori could blast him off of his high horse, a tap on her shoulder alerted her back to her surroundings. "Excuse me." 

Her heart briefly stopped as a tall and well built man pushed past her, wearing a hoodie that covered his broad shoulders and silky black hair. He looked mysterious. But she knew who he was, by his heart and his smile.

"I think she said no." Dick didn't even bother to be gentle. This was his wife, the future mother of his children we were talking about. And if he knew one thing about her, she didn't like to be pushed around.

They had that in common.

"Relax, mannn." Jerry had obviously not picked up on the matter of his identity. "Kori and I were just getting to know each other better." He squeezed her waist a little too tightly. "Do you even work here anyway?"

That was it. Between the Star-squeezing and the denouncing of his father's company, Dick Grayson snapped. 

"As a matter of fact, I do." Pulling off his hood in one fluid motion, he revealed his angered face. The face that also happened to be on company posters next to Bruce Wayne. 

Jerry backed away, stunned. "M-Mr Grayson, I'm deeply sorry, I didn't mean to.."

Dick swiveled away, not even giving Jerry the dignity of being looked in the eye. "Get out. Kori can get you your severance pay later."

"But I-I.." He backed away, stumbling over his former desk.

"Go." Taking a deep breath, he turned back to his flustered wife. "Star, are you ok? I should've never let him-"

She enveloped him in a tight hug, burying her face tightly in his shoulder. Even after all these years together, her hugs had never failed to make him happy.

"Thank you." She whispered softly. Even at work, love could still find its way. "Usually it is up to me to defend against these kinds of attackers."

"Well." Richard kissed her forehead. "Even a warrior princess deserves a break." 

Starfire pulled away and smirked. "Perhaps we shall continue this 'break' in your office?"

Dick smiled giddily, as he did almost every day being around her. "Even better."

All of a sudden, Kori really liked being a secretary.


short dickkory drabble. Starfire in a working outfit is gonna end me.

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