Before the fall

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Raven decides the world would be better off without her. (Set before The End)

Trigger: mention of suicide. 


"What could this mark mean, Robin?"

"I don't know, Star. All I know is that Slade's not telling us."

Raven was sitting quietly on the couch, watching her friends discuss the mysterious mark that they had seen on Slade's face the night before. She shrunk back into the couch, her once blank face now fixated with a look of worry.

"Raven?" Robin looked over at her, noticing her expression. "You seem worried. Is Slade freaking you out?"

Raven returned her face to a static expression. "I'm fine. I'll be in my room." Ignoring Robin's protests, she stood up and walked out of the common room, not looking back to see her teammates concerned faces.

When she got to her room, Raven sat down on her bed and let out a sigh. Her team was in danger because of her and her long buried secret. She put her head in her hands. "There has to be some way to stop this." Raven got up, looking for an instructional book. 

"There is." A low voice sounded, from the depths of Raven's head. She knew it well. It was the demon half of her, begging for its darkness to reach the light.

"No." Raven said out loud. "I would never do that."

"Why not, dear Raven? Trigon will never be able to harm anyone. your friends will be safe. And when the portal is opened.."  

Raven breathed heavily.

"The world won't need you anymore."

"Get out of my head!" Raven threw her books to the floor, than layed down, panting. She heard a knock at the door.

"Friend Raven? Are you ok?" Starfire and the rest of her teamates came in, looking concerned. 

"I'm fine." She said. "Just some intense meditation." 

"Must've been really intense." Beastboy whispered to Cyborg, while looking at the disheveled room with books strewn all over the floor. 

3 days later..

Raven was sitting on the rooftop, looking at the sunset.  She wanted to enjoy this peace as much as she could. The marks on her arm and body were getting redder and redder, and she knew that Slade would strike again soon. She was determined to make every day at least a little special for her friends, and for her as well. 

She breathed out, thinking back to what the demon had said. Was he right? After the portal, was she really useless? 

No, she thought. My friends need me. The team needs me.

She walked downstairs, removed from her temptation. She was about to walk into the common room, when she stopped, hearing Starfire's voice. 

"Where is Friend Raven?" 

"Oh, who cares. She's probably meditating or reading one of her nasty old books."

"Beastboy, that's not nice." Robin scolded him.

"Who cares! All she ever does is stay in her room. She probably doesn't even care about us." Beastboy angrily folded his arms. 

Raven turned and quickly ran back up the stairs, tears streaming down her face. "You were right.." She whispered. "They really don't need me." 

"I know I am right.." The voice whispered. "And you know what you must do." 

Raven blinked away her tears and started walking closer to Titans tower's edge.

"Your teammates took pity on you.. but they don't see who you really are."

Raven's toes hung off the roof, flirting with danger.

"You weren't even meant to be in this world."

Raven started to step over the threshold, but then she gasped and stepped back. 

"No." she held her head in her hands, fighting the demon with every step away from the roof.

"You do not know what is best for you. You have always been meant to die." 

Raven whipped around, snarling. "Maybe I was meant to die, but you will not be the one to make me!" She held her head and tried to walk away from the edge, but an invisible force pulled her back. 

"It is for the greater good." She slumped to the ground, being mercilessly dragged back to the edge of the tower by the demon.

"But.." Raven whimpered, having fought all she could.

"You have nothing left.. there is no one left." The demon whispered, and flung Raven off the edge of the roof, laughing in her ear. Raven closed her eyes, finally accepting her fate.

Nothing left,

Nothing at all,

So say goodbye, 

Before the fall.


There will be a part two, so calm yourselves. Keep reading for more.

insta: robxstarstar

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