Yard Sale

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Summary: Beastboy rediscovers some old mementos.


"Alright, Titans. I"m sure you know why we're here."

Robin was pacing up and down the common room, looking at his teammates anxiously. It had been a stressful day already. But now he would have to deal with worse.

"Uh.. not really." said Cyborg.

"The only reason i can think of is Slade." Raven remarked. 

"Yeah, dudes. This seems pretty pointless. Is an invisible villain taking over the city or something?" Beastboy squinted at the skyline below.

"No, no, not either of those. Now you four listen up because I have a pretty big announcement to make-"

"Ooh! I know! I the know!" Starfire had her hands up, frantically waving from the corner of the couch.

Robin looked at her expectantly. "Yes, Star?"

"You wish for us to get the married!" She beamed at Robin, her innocent eyes excited.

"Well, uh..er.." Robin blushed furiously and scratched the back of his head.

"What? this is not a silly matter!" Starfire glared at Beastboy and Cyborg, who were now cackling ferociously on the couch. "Robin, you do not wish to be engaged?"

"To answer for Robin before he blushes to death, the answer is he loves you, but wants to wait a few more years." Raven rolled her eyes and went back to reading her book.

"Uh..what raven said." Robin leaned over and pecked his girlfriend on the cheek. "Now, back to what I was saying, this tower is pretty much a mess."

Cyborg leaned back on the couch. "And your point?"

"I'll get straight to it. We need to have a yard sale." Robin sighed.


"Relax, cy. The T-car won't be touched." Robin assured.

"Oh. I'm good then." Cyborg smiled and began to walk away. 

"Alright everyone. Beastboy, go with with Raven. I"ll go with Star. Cy, you go to the garage and set it up. Ready?" The boy wonder looked at his team. 

"The yes!"



"Ok then. Titans, CLEAN!" 


Raven dusted herself off. She and Beastboy had been cleaning his room for two hours, and there was STILL no sign of the floor. Something had to be done.

"Alright, that's it. I'm going to clean my room. I am not picking up one more sweaty T-shirt of yours." Raven began to leave, but Beastboy pulled her back. 

"Wait, Rae! We forgot a spot!" The changeling shoved her into his room and locked the door.

"Beassstbooyy.." Raven grumbled, sad to have to tidy up for longer.

"Don't worry. It just has a few toys in it. We'll be fine!" Beastboy proclaimed. "You ready to see it?" 

"Uh..I guess?" Raven was confused.

"3.." Beastboy lept over his bunk bed and started to amble to the other side of the room.

"What are you counting down for?" Raven narrowed her eyes at Beastboy suspiciously.

He ignored her and stepped towards his closet, which was barely managing to stay closed. "2.."

"In the name of Azar, please don't do this." Raven used her powers to try and pull him away from the door, but it was too late. The floodgates were opened.

"One!" He yanked the fragile wooden fame off its hinges, and clothes came raining down.

"AVVVAAALANNNCHHEE!" Beastboy lept up, and rode the stream of clothes until the flow had covered his entire room. "Woo hoo! Wasn't that fun, Rae?"

Raven was buried up to her mouth in clothes, making her curses incoherent. "In the name of mmph, I am going to kick your mmph, so mmph far that it it lands on the mmph moon!"

"Well, at least it loosened you up a little bit. Hey, check this out!" Beastboy abandoned the stash of clothes, and pulled out a box of old toys from the depths of the closet. "I haven't seen these in years!" 

Raven stood up and snatched the box from his hands. "At least we found something that we can donate."

"Oh come on, grumpy. I want to look at them again. For, you know, what's that word?" Beastboy scratched his head in confusion.

"Sentimentality?" Raven rolled her eyes.

"Yeah. That." Beastboy began to dig through the contents of the box. "Comic book, keep, Old phone, sell.."

"Beastboy?" Raven tapped him on the shoulder.

"stinky shoe, throw away..hmm?" He whipped his head around to look at her.

"I found something." In Raven's arms was the metal monkey that the titans had been fooled by its cries for help.* She pushed the button to turn it on.

"Help me, Help me, Help me count! One! Two! Three! Four!"

"Beastboy, please tell me we'll sell this." Raven smirked, staring at the toy that was meant for a toddler.

"Beastboy?" Raven turned her head to see that Beastboy's face wore a burdened look.

"Sorry, Raven. It's just that monkey..my folks got it for me." He looked down at the floor.

Raven peered into her green friend's mind. She could see his usual prank plans and jokes, sure, but she could also see pain. 

Beastboy was as much an orphan as Robin.

Raven shoved the toy into his arms. "Let's keep it." 

Beastboy grinned. "Really?"

Raven nodded. "Really. I doubt that you've ever learned to count anyway."'

Beastboy grunted and picked up the box. "Well, does that mean I can sell the photos I got of you on the plane ride to Tokyo?"

"Not on your life." 


*See the episode "Fear Itself" :)


Sorry for taking such a long break you guys! School and drawings had me busy.

enjoy this small bbrae thing and me trying to be funny.

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