Road Trip!

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"Get in the car." 

"But I forgot my-"


Trips for the Titans were always stressful, especially for Cyborg. During these times he became the mom of the group, trying to manage everyone so they could reach their destination quickly. But the process was long, so long that Cyborg put it into steps.

Step 1: Decide where to go

"Okay, guys. We've been working hard for a long time, so i talked to Robin about going on vacation, and he agreed! Any ideas?" Cyborg smiled and looked at the group.

"Tokyo!" suggested Starfire.

"Africa for sure!" chimed in Beastboy.

"Away from here." Raven grumbled.

"No guys, somewhere we can go in the T-car! We don't have the budget for that kind of trip!" Cyborg explained.

"Oh." said Robin. "Maybe camping, then?"

Cyborg groaned.

Step 2: Packing

"Okay, Titans." said Robin. "We all have a lot of stuff, so make a list of what you want to pack. Then give it to Cyborg." As the role of the 'vacation manager',  Cyborg was in charge of what stuff came and what stuff stayed at the tower.

Raven's list


*The book of Azar   

Cyborg breathed a sigh of relief. Raven was always easy to pack for.

Starfire's list



*Birth Control

Cyborg did a double take. Birth Control? Robin literally broke his own rule of no getting busy in the tower. "They better have not tried anything in the T-car." he mumbled.

Beastboy's list

*My gamestation! Cyborg don't cross this off this is very important!

*My vegatarian food and snacks. Meat is murder, people!

*Clothes and stuff, but who cares about that.




*No, Beastboy! NO CRAP CEREAL!

Cyborg chuckled. Beastboy and Raven acted like an old married couple sometimes. It was cute, but he still had to chuck half of Beastboy's list.

Robin's List


*Weapons (just in case)


*My files

Cyborg scoffed. "My files? And he's bringing weapons on a road trip? Robin acts like a paranoid 50 year old man." 

When he was finished trimming the lists and packing, it was almost 1 in the morning. And none of the stuff would fit in the T-car. 

"Ah, Fuck." Cyborg sighed.

Step 3: Getting everyone in the car

"Let's go, Titans! Move, move, move!"

"Cyyy" Beastboy whined. "It's five in the moorrninggg."

"With how long you take to get ready, you should be getting up this early." 

 "Five more minutessss." Beastboy lied back down.

After Cyborg finally got Beastboy up, there was still a lot to do. The tower had to be cleaned, silkie had to be fed, and the T-car had to be prepared. By prepared, Cyborg meant literally covered in bubble wrap. Beastboy liked bringing snacks on road trips, and Cyborg wasn't taking any chances with the car getting stained in any way.

And then, finally, the road trip could begin. 

Which brings us back to this.

"Get in the car, grassstain! We have to go!" Cyborg yelled.

"But I forget my gamestation! And my soy milk! And Robin forgot something too! We can't go now!" Beastboy pleaded.

"Fine. We'll make one last sweep around the house for packing. Robin, what did you forget?" Cyborg sighed.

Robin blushed furiously. "As your leader, I don't have to tell you that."

"You know what, no! You are not getting any condoms! And BB, you can live without your soy milk!" Cyborg got in the T-car and slammed the door.

Robin looked confused. "How-how do you know about that?"

"Starfire's a very open person, Robin. Now get in the car before I push you in!" Cyborg honked the horn and yelled. "Girls, you too!"

"Wow" said Raven, not even looking up from her book. "A great start to our vacation." 

"I agree, friend Raven. I am enjoying this vacation as well!" Starfire smiled and buckled in. Finally, finally, the Titans were on the road. 


An hour into the trip, Beastboy tapped Cyborg on the shoulder. "Cy?" He asked. "Who's watching the tower while we're gone?"

"Everything's cool, BB. Titans east got it covered. Why you asking?"

"I just hope they don't have to deal with Slade or anything like that." Beastboy looked out the window in worry.

"Who knows, Beastboy?" Robin smiled. "Maybe Slade is on vacation too!"

"Slade, the criminal physcopath, on vacation?" scoffed Beastboy. "Yeah, right. Very funny, Robin." He smirked and went back to reading his comics.


"Drive, you wretch! Follow the Titans!" Slade peered over his Uber driver's shoulder, looking at the back of the T-car.

"Uh, sir, why do you want to follow that car again?" The driver asked, confused.

"To destroy them, of course! I will attack when they least expect it! I will prevail in my quest! I will win back my apprentice! I will-wait, are Robin and Starfire making out in the back of the car again? Gross."

"Um, sir, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to get out of the car."

"You fool. I could kill you at any time. Now drive!"

The driver sighed, than picked up the pace. As soon as this ride was over, he would quit.


Thought you deserved some funny Titans. Enjoy!

all requests are welcomed and appreciated<3


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