▹ The snow battle

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Pluto was having the time of his life.

It was the first time George had let him go out in the snow and at first, he was timid but now he was running all over the place and jumping up at the snowflakes that fell down from the sky.

George's nose was bright red and his gloved hands were stuffed inside his pocket whilst he watched his dog prance around in the snow. He was wearing a red doggy jacket with fur around the hood which made him look so adorable. George smiled delicately, cocking his head to the side as his eyes filled with admiration. Pluto had never looked more excited.

It wasn't long before an excited laugh filled his ears followed by the sound of the door closing. Crunches of snow followed by heavy breaths had him turning around to see Namjoon with the snow duck maker clutched in his hands. The gentle smile on George's face widened in amusement as he watched his leader crouch down to make his snow ducks.

Curious, Pluto trotted towards him and obediently sat down, leaning forward slightly to sniff Namjoon's arm.

"What are you doing?" George asked intrigued, crouching behind his dog and rubbing Pluto's tummy whilst keeping his eyes planted on his eager leader.

"Making us but as snow ducks," Namjoon responded enthusiastically.

"Bro, that's so cute." George pressed a hand to his heart.

Far too engrossed in watching Namjoon happily create some snow ducks, George failed to notice the four males sneakily running out of the dorm. Behind him, they each collected snow whilst he focused on his leader's work of snow art. It wasn't until a ball of snow exploded against his back did he realize that he had a target over his head.

Slightly winded from the impact, George twisted his body around only to be hit with four snowballs at once, sending him backwards onto the ground. Pluto, who managed to move out of the way just in time, jumped on top of his chest and stood with his head held high.

"You're tiny compared to their snowballs, Toto," George told him, moving the small dog off of his chest and placing him down on the snowy floor. It didn't take long for Pluto to spot Jimin and go racing towards him, barking happily as if they hadn't seen each other in years - it had only been twenty minutes. "PLUTO, HE HELPED THE SURPRISE ATTACK, WE'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO FRATERNIZE WITH THE ENEMY."

The small dog didn't care - he didn't even spare George a second glance, jumping up onto Jimin's leg with the happiest of pouts. George grumbled and pushed himself up off of the icy floor, dusting down his outfit, only to have yet another snowball aimed in his direction.

George took off running behind Jimin's Porsche, leaning down to scoop up a few balls of snow to use as ammo. He peeked up to see nobody but Namjoon around and his eyes narrowed at the silence. A soft gasp emitted from his throat when a perfectly round ball of ice smashed against the bonnet of Jimin's car.

From a short distance away, he could hear a small 'yah! Don't break my car you fool', before it was silent again. Nothing but the soft hum from Namjoon, who was happy in his own world building the snow duck versions of BTS.

With a snowball clutched in his grip, George looked around just as another one whistled through the air, hitting the wall. Hoseok suddenly popped up and George didn't let anytime go to waste before launching the ball of ice towards him. Hoseok let out a yell as it hit his cheek.

George smirked, whistling in victory before ducking behind the car again, breathing heavily making a puff of air appear in front of him with every breath. He could barely feel his hands and he was pretty sure his toes had frozen to the point of small icicles appearing on them.

He needed a better cover. Grabbing his snowballs, George stood up and took off running whilst screaming loudly as Jungkook, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung attacked him. Deciding to stay out in the open, George fought back mainly focusing on taking out Jungkook, who was making the biggest of the snowballs.

Suddenly, multiple other snowballs launched towards the group of younger males from behind George. Baffled, he glanced behind him to see Jin and Namjoon helping him out. Yoongi stood by the door, watching the group fondly.

"NOT MY FACE, NOT MY FACE, NOT MY-" Jin's screams were cut off as a large ball of snow smacked him in the face. "HE GOT MY FACE! RIGHT THAT'S IT, IT'S PERSONAL NOW!"

George ran down the pathway, Jungkook hot on his trails. With no ammo left to defend himself, George stopped and turned around to admit defeat, closing his eyes as he waited for the impact of yet another snowball.

But it never came.

"Is this it? Did I just end up in heaven?" Slowly, he opened his eyes to find Jungkook holding out a snowball for him. Cautiously, George took it from him. "Is this a trick? Please, I beg. Just finish me off, I have no strength for torture."

"Let's team up?" Jungkook suggested.

"Team up?"

Jungkook nodded. "Yep."

George's body ached and he knew he was going to wake up bruised the next morning but he couldn't say he would have any regrets. This is the most fun he's had in weeks.

"Fine. But I have trust issues, so you need to pinky swear that you won't batter my fragile heart by betraying me."

"I swear," Jungkook promised, wrapping their pinkies together to finalize the promise.

Together, the two began screaming as they headed back to their members, pelting them none stop with snowballs. Jimin was on the floor, Hoseok raised his arms in surrender, Namjoon hid behind George's car with Pluto, Jin was hiding his face, Taehyung was attacking Jungkook whilst George tossed snowballs everywhere.

Feeling breathless, he stopped and turned towards the dorm where Yoongi was watching with the warmest smile. George went to wave at him, but was then knocked to the floor by Jin, who tossed a large handful of snow at him.

Once Jungkook and George were both down, the boys claimed victory.

Though George and Jungkook didn't win the fight, neither of the two could remove the smiles from their faces.


finally, an update for george. i am so sorry for my lack of updates recently, my mental health has really not been at its best and i have had no motivation at all but finally, i managed to get some inspiration to write a chapter and i am so happy with it, even if it seems a bit rushed. i genuinely do really like this chapter and i hope you guys do too.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 💜

— blue x

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