▹ George reacts; a fan youtube video.

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— Italics is the video that George is watching. 

"Hello! I'm George Lee from BTS and today I am actually alone...finally." He winked towards the camera as he adjusted himself in his seat, pulling the laptop closer to him. "I'm here because...I actually don't know. They just told me to get out of bed and get down here, so I actually don't know what I'm doing." 

"George, you will be starting your very own series here on YouTube. Many of your fans requested for you to do your own reaction series."

George raised an eyebrow. He knew exactly why they had chosen him to do it, it was because George enjoyed watching reaction videos and they saw that as a way to get more profit off of him. He still was grateful to be chosen though, he was always excited to produce new content for his fans, so it wasn't like he was upset about being chosen to run the reaction game. He turned to look at the screen as he slowly nodded along with the lady behind the camera who was explaining everything to him. He let the information fill up his brain and his face went blank. He had zoned out. 

He had the shortest attention span in BTS. The instructions have to be explained to him about 5 times before he actually decides to listen. Today, however, he quickly zoned back in and seemingly understood what he had to do. The staff were very relieved that he was being behaved, usually, it takes them about 20 minutes to get him to sit down - he loves annoying people okay, especially the staff since they often tell him what to do. He likes to think of his annoying behaviour as revenge. 

"The video you will be reacting to today is a girl, age 15, who absolutely adores you. She's a YouTuber from Seoul and her video was requested a lot. " George let out a subtle 'wow' in response to the emphasis of 'a lot'. "Her name is Myeon. Are you ready George?" 

The boy stayed silent and nodded. He slid the headphones on and fixed his hoodie as the girl appeared on the screen - she looked very familiar. George recalled seeing her at many shows and she'd attended what had to be 3 fansigns. He'd seen her quite a lot, she was a fan that arrived with many gifts alone - he also recalled her skipping Jin, which made him feel a little sour but he masked it with a smile. 

"Oh, i know her! She's been to many shows and fansigns," he told the staff who nodded their heads. 

The girl was sitting on her bed, George squinted his eyes and leaned in closer when he spotted a pillow behind her. He pulled back and turned to look at the camera with his eyebrows furrowed and mouth open slightly. 

"Why is my face that large on her pillow? Half of the pillow is literally just my eye--that's a weird looking pillow man, does she sleep with that? Does it not like terrify her?" He turned back to the screen and pressed play, now taking in the rest of her room which was covered in posters and basically everything BTS. 

"So, a lot of you have been asking me questions, so why don't we get into the first one." She smiled and flicked her hair before glancing down at the screen. "Who is your bias? My Bias is definitely George. He's just--i don't know, he's George. I love him because he's George and I have met him like what? 4 times now? He's so sweet like actually and I feel like we have a connection because when I watch him with other fans, he looks happy but not as happy as he looks when he's talking to m--" 

George paused the video and shot a tight smile. "I am happy about meeting every ARMY I ever meet. Uh, if you're implying that I like you more than other ARMY, that is not true. My love for every one of you is equal. But yeah, I love you too Myeon." 

"When George gets into a relationship/or if he is already in one when he announces it, what would your reaction be? Would you be happy for him? I think...I'm not gonna lie, I would be upset and a little bit angry because like I don't wanna sound selfish or whatever but I feel like we wouldn't be his priority anymore and it would just ruin our relationship with him, so I'm hoping that doesn't happen." 

George was slightly taken aback. He knew that some fans were against him dating and to some extent, he understood with the ones who reasoned that it would interfere with his career, but her reason did sort of make sense but at the same time, he couldn't help if he fell in love. He decided that his best bet would to just stay silent, he nodded along slightly hoping that the shock he was feeling wasn't evident. George often worried about getting into relationships in the future because of this exact reason. Some fans aren't shy when it comes to being rude at the highest extent and he was worried for the safety of his partner if there ever came a time where he was in a relationship. 

"Where did you hear about the beef between Park Chanyeol and George?" 

Immediately the video was paused and the camera zoomed right in on George's confused face. His forehead creased, nose scrunched and mouth tilted into a frown, he stared at the camera. 

"What beef? We're friends? He's actually a very close friend of mine, what beef are you talking about? I literally saw him just two nights ago and he hugged me." George scratched his head, turning to look at the staff who were also a little confused. There was no knowledge on this 'beef' at all, so none of them had any idea what was actually going on. Slowly and still confused, George pressed play.

"Oh, that was just a tweet I put out to cause some drama." 

"Right no. Scolding time. We do not stir up drama for no reason, people get upset and it just isn't necessary. If you are one of the people that cause drama just for some fun then please, stop. That's not what we do as a fandom. We spread love and nothing but love. No fake rumours to hurt other people or cause drama. It isn't needed so let's all just be nice." George looked at the staff for approval and let out a breath of relief when they nodded at him. "Alright, I think we will leave it there for now. Go listen to Dream Glow from the 3 Js and the lovely Charli XCX and I will see you in the next one. I love you."


The ending was terrible, there's probably a lot of mistakes but it's okay because im only human. Anyway, if you have any ideas you would like to see then let me know and I'll see what I can do. 

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread. 

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- Blue x

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