▹ A second chance?

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"George...I would like you to meet Sung...this is...George this is your Mother."

George...well...George didn't have a reaction like most would. No, he didn't cry, didn't gasp and he didn't even scream. Our George ended up doing the opposite of what he was supposed to do...he burst out laughing.

The two adults shared a look as their son basically laughed in their faces after having the bandage ripped off. George's mother, the one that left him in his father's care when he was no older than a new born was sitting in front of him and his first instinct is to laugh.

"I'm sorry...he doesn't function like normal people do," His father told the woman that was supposedly his mother. George snuck one glance at his father during his giggles and it was obvious that he wanted to laugh too. He was fighting it, George could tell.

It took several minutes before the laughter died down, leaving the boy wiping the tears from his eyes. Sung wasn't sure whether his laughter was a good thing or a bad thing, but George's father knew the boy well enough to know that it was his own little coping mechanism.

George didn't apologise for his laughter, he had nothing to apologise for. Instead, he sat silently looking up at his father waiting for something to be said. The woman had her eyes on him the entire time, but he ignored her. George wasn't good in these types of situations. He was awkward – hence why he usually laughs to make himself comfortable.

"Sung-I mean your mother is here because she wants to get to know you...she wants to be in your life."

George quirked a brow at the man in front of him before pointing towards the door with his thumb. "My mother is standing out there eavesdropping."

A slight gasp sounded from the other side of the door before it slowly opened to reveal the woman herself. She wasn't sure how George knew she was eavesdropping but she was more occupied with the fact that he had addressed her as his mother.

"I wasn't—I—" George turned to look at her with amusement as she struggled to find an excuse. She huffed and glared playfully in his direction. "You're a snitch, George Lee."

George grinned. "You got that right."

"How about we leave you two to get to know each other? I think I can hear Areum crying." His father was quick to get to the door, he ushered his wife out of the room and shot a warning stare in the direction of his son before closing the door, leaving the man alone with his mother who he never knew.

George stared at the door mouth open agape, hoping his father would reenter the room like 'jk got youuu we'd never leave you alone with a stranger', but after a few seconds he realised that George had been left to fend for himself.

"I know you're not the happiest to see me but I'm still your mother Geun. I have a right to be in your life, even if I'm a little late."

George couldn't believe the audacity. He was more than sure that she'd heard about his new found title around the room and wanted to get in on that fame with the name of 'BTS' George Lee's Mother!'. She wanted to use him. He was sure of it. Why else would she show up out of the blue?

Why was his father so willing to allow them to meet?

"My name is George for one. For two, you think you can call yourself my mother? You couldn't wait to escape the second I was free from your body. You're not my mother. I didn't know you then and I don't know you now, you're no mother so don't act so entitled. That woman in there, she's my mother. We've not gotten along for quite a while but she's been there to wipe away every tear, clean up every cut and hug away all my sadness. You have no rights to me."

❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞.  𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 [ ✓ ] Where stories live. Discover now