▹ The start of something new

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George didn't want to come across as a total creep but that's exactly how he was coming across.

Standing back stage with his members waiting to get the call to head on stage, George couldn't help but keep staring over at the snack table, where she stood all in her glory waiting for her turn to perform.

George thanked the heavens that the fans couldn't see them. He knew they would catch in instantly if they saw him staring at her.

"You're staring her down like she's the last cookie on a plate. Just go and talk to her."

At the mention of actually doing something more than staring, George panicked. His face turned into an offended frown and his hand slapped Taehyung's arm.

"I'm more of an observer than a talker, actually."

"Well, Mr Observer. If you continue looking at her like that, she's going to think you're a perverted piece of shit and get a restraining order."

"I can't go talk to her."

"Why not? This is the first girl you're willingly showing interest in. You have to do something about it! It's about time we get you off the market," Taehyung encouraged.

George made a face. "No. I'm happily single and I don't wanna hurt Army."

"Okay some of them will be hurt that's granted but some of them love the idea of Namjoon having a secret marriage."

"Namjoon is married?"

"According to Twitter."

"Huh, Twitter is a crazy world man. Did you know that some of them are convinced that Areum is my daughter and think my parents are using the adopted story as a coverup to hide that she's actually my baby from a one nightstand?"

Taehyung's mouth dropped open. "Dude, what? Areum is actually your baby?"

"No, idiot. She's my baby sister. Some of the fans just theorise that she's my child because she looks like me," George explained, slapping Taehyung on the back of the head.

"I know, I'm not stupid. I was there the day your parents adopted the girls," Taehyung laughed loudly before turning completely serious. "Now go talk to your crush."



"No! I'm not-"

"Too late. She's already coming over."

"WHAT?" George whipped his head around to see that she was indeed walking over to them and he turned back to Taehyung, eyes wide in panic. "WHAT DO I SAY? She's gonna think I'm a creep. She's coming over to tell me to stop staring at her like a fucking weir-"

"Chungha! Hey!" Taehyung greeted, kicking George in the leg to alert him of the woman's presence.

"Hi, it's really nice to see you guys! How have you been?!" She asked with a wide grin that made George's heart flutter.

Taehyung glanced at him and rolled his eyes when he saw that George was gaping like a fish at the woman before him. The younger male kicked the back of his leg and grinned widely up at Chungha, feigning innocence.

"Good I've been," George blurted out.

Chungha laughed at his response. "Glad good you have been."

Her cheeks flushed at her own response and she averted her eyes to the ground, silently scolding herself. What if he thought she was dumb? Or making fun of him? She didn't want that. That was the last thing she wanted.

❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞.  𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 [ ✓ ] Where stories live. Discover now