▹ George the bias wrecker

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Known for having skilful and powerful vocals, Army never really thought George would be good at rapping. His talent remained purely with singing and dancing, so imagine their surprise when George Lee walked out on stage rapping Suga's lines in Cypher and he wasn't messing around like they had expected, George was seriously rapping and...

He was good at it.

Dressed in cargo pants and a bomber jacket with a white cap on his head accompanied by the aggressive rapping, he was breathtaking.

Everyone knows that George is beyond attractive but with his attire and the fact that this was out of his comfort zone accompanied by the pure talent he was spitting out, it somehow made him ten times hotter. Who would've thought that George Lee could rap? Army felt bad for underestimating him.

With their hearts already beating out their chest and the sight of him, George dropped the mic down to his side and stared dead into the camera lens. Sweat running down his face, he took off the cap and ran a hand through his hair before placing it back on and winked towards the camera.

There was no funny face afterwards and he didn't cringe at his action like he usually would, nope, George threw his head back and chuckled and this alone had the stadium roaring.

That night, George Lee bias wrecked everybody and that moment became an iconic George Lee moment. He proved that once again that he has scary duality.


George flirts with his fans a lot, however, one moment, in particular, went viral and for a lot of people, made George their bias purely because of how he was reacting to the things the fan was saying and the facial expressions he made.

A particularly confident fan approached George, now he's known for liking girls with a bit of confidence and so, this sparked his interest immediately. She sat down in front of him and in front of everyone, she made it very clear that she had quite a huge crush on Mr George Lee. He was slightly taken back by her confidence, but the soft smirk on his face made it clear that he was quite enjoying it.

As she spoke, responding to every teasing comment he threw at her with some sass and a fiery tone, he leaned back in his seat and ran his finger across his lip before taking his lip subtly in between his teeth. The girl had assured him that she was twenty-one (this girl even gave him her ID) and if he wanted to take her on a date then she was more than happy to let him.

This queen had even managed to leave him speechless, something not a lot of people can do. She knows what she wants and she wants George Lee and somehow, she had charmed him. George leaned closer to her expecting her to break under his gaze, but she didn't and instead, she moved closer to him. They were so close that one of the staff had to linger by out of fear that a scandal was about to take place if she kissed him.

"Are you gonna take me on a date, Lee or can you not handle me?" Her voice was low and George was clearly effected as his eyes faltered slightly, though he regained his confidence quickly and gave her a breathtaking smirk.

"Watch that mouth of yours, too much fire and you might just get burned."

Nobody truly knows what they said to each other in that moment other than George, the girl and a very impressed Jimin but a lot of speculation took place with some people getting it right whilst others were way off.

Either way, the exchange made many hearts race.


Unknown to many, George is actually very insecure.

He's the type of man who keeps his own pain and problems to himself out of fear of burdening the people around him, therefore, he isn't one to really open up about his insecurities to anyone but his members, who have sat him down to speak about his problems on a number of occasions.

One of George's biggest insecurities is his body. There was a time in 2016 when he was harassed heavily and fat-shamed. He wasn't fat at all, but people had noticed that he gained weight and many used it against him. He was healthy and he was happy, but the anti's couldn't stand that and so, they bullied him for months on end until he placed himself on a diet.

That was when George truly felt unable to love himself. He couldn't stand the person he was when he looked in the mirror, he felt ugly and disgusting and it got so bad that even the thought of food knocked him sick. It resulted in some unhealthy decisions, however, luckily he was able to get the help he needed to overcome that dark time and is now doing better than ever and refuses to let the opinion of others let him get to such a toxic point again.

George has taken healthier approaches to keep his body in shape. He goes to the gym and keeps a healthy balance in his diet. George does have a sweet tooth, so he does treat himself often.

He isn't ripped and yeah, he has his moments where he compares himself to Jungkook but there's one thing that always makes him feel better and that is his fans, who have complimented him a number of times on his weight.

In 2019, multiple pictures of George trended on Twitter after he was seen without a shirt in a park with his younger brothers on a hot summers day. Many vans zoomed in on his stomach which was toned and you could make out the abs and this sent Army into a frenzy claiming that they didn't expect him to have such a hot body. He wasn't overly ripped and many of them liked that.

For months, George was complimented on his looks and his body, it really helped his self-esteem and helped him feel more comfortable in his own skin. That and he also found out that his body alone was enough to make him some people's bias so that was sort of a plus for him. 


i don't think i write about George being hot enough tbh

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway. 

you're appreciated 💜 

━ Blue x 

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