▹ The clingy pup.

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Yeontan wouldn't leave George alone, which usually he wouldn't mind considering he would literally die for Yeontan, however, George was trying to stretch and he couldn't exactly do that with the dog running around his feet and crawling all over him. George tried for the final time to continue with his stretches, but would Yeontan accept that? Apparently not because the second he was placed aside by a stressed George, he sat down and waited until the boy began his stretches before jumping on him again. He deliberately waited just to piss George off.

Growing fed up, George exhaled and slowly turned to face the dog with a subtle glare. Clasping his hands together, he mustered up the most sarcastic smile he could, completely forgetting the cameras which were on him filming.

"Yeontan, sweetie. Stop testing my patience or else I'll send you back to your equally annoying Father, sheesh. Least we know who you get it from." His tone was high pitched and upbeat as he scolded the dog with that sarcastic smile. Yeontan blinked and jumped to his feet, barking at George who's eyes narrowed. "That's it. I'm done dogsitting."

Even the camera person had to stifle a giggle.

George pushed himself up off the ground, bending down and scooped Yeontan up. Of course, this is what he wanted. All he had wanted was the attention from George, which he understood but he had to stretch and he couldn't do that with a clingy Yeontan bouncing around him. The cameras followed behind the pair, George politely held the door open before angrily stomping into the room next door where the boys were sitting as well as the staff who were working to set things up or simply clearing things away. Upon seeing his dog, Taehyung's eyes lit up.

"Tannie!!" He cheered as George angrily but gently thrust the dog into his arms. Taehyung looked up at him with a fake concerned gaze. "I hope he wasn't too much of a bother, Hyung." The corners of his lips turned up at the sight of George's glare. Oh, how he loved teasing him.

"That dog has purposely been trying to annoy me. Waiting for me to start stretching so that he can jump all over me, I don't know what your parents have been feeding him but whatever it is, it's making him ten times more evil. Now, keep him in here until i have finished and then I shall proceed to love him. Goodbye." The cameraman quickly followed after George, who stomped out of the room.

Taehyung held up Yeontan and nuzzled his nose into his fur. "Don't be sad, he's just mad because his hair isn't as luscious as yours. Yes, he is, yes he is!"

Yoongi made a disgusted face towards the other camera.

"The only reason George would ever be jealous of Yeontan has kissed more people today alone than George has in his entire lifetime," Yoongi stated sarcastically, Jimin's giggle cut through the room as he nodded in agreement.

In the other room, George and the person that helps the boys stretch before shows. He was in the middle of leg stretches, facing the other way, so he didn't see the door open. He was about to lean back when he felt something press against his back along with the sound of that familiar panting. Dropping his head, George let out a breath before slowly turning to look behind him, his eyes locked with Yeontan's excited ones and he couldn't help but chuckle. Turning around, he lifted the dog up into the air and smiled.

"You just want some attention from me don't ya, Bud?" George brought the dog down so they were face to face and Yeontan took the opportunity to swipe his tongue across George's face. George turned to the side and began to spit out dramatically. He then laid himself back and laid Yeontan on his chest, just for the pup to crawl up his body and settle closer to his face. George chuckled and tangled his long fingers in Yeontan's lengthy, silky fur. "Why can't you go to Hoseok? Or Jimin? Jimin loves hanging out with you. Am I better?"

Obviously, Yeontan didn't respond but George nodded anyway.

"I know, I'm better company."

The door squeaked open and a relieved sigh gushed out of the person's mouth. "Found him! He's with George," Jin called seemingly to the others as the seven members entered the room and created a circle around George.

"What happened to 'I don't know what your parents have been feeding him but whatever it is, it's making him ten times more evil'?" Asked Taehyung, folding his arms and quirking an eyebrow as he stared down at his Hyung in amusement.

George shrugged, lifting Yeontan up and turned him towards Taehyung. "How was I supposed to deny this face?"

"Yeah, I mean. He's the only one willing to kiss him, he can't lose that," Yoongi replied with a nod. George rolled his eyes and placed Yeontan back down on his chest.

Nobody could ever deny the literal puppy dog eyes.

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