▹ When to walk away

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Truth be told, George Lee has never been the best when it comes to flirting. Sure, there's millions of people on the planet that would kill for a chance for him to even look in their direction, but George isn't particularly trained when it comes to differentiating between friendly banter, and flat out flirting.

Which is why he saw absolutely no problem with the hand on his shoulder, followed by the - obvious - forced laughter as he cracked another silly joke, purely just thriving in the idea of someone actually finding him funny — Jeon Jungkook has spent many years humbling him and his 'bad sense of humour', so to see someone laughing at it was a real confidence boost.

His girlfriend, on the other hand, looked like she was about to pop a vein. She's not the jealous type, Chungha knows that George Lee worships the ground she walks on and she knows full well that she could skip to him with a gleaming smile and he'd drop the conversation in a heartbeat. However, that doesn't mean she likes watching the love of her life entertain someone who is quite painfully throwing themselves at him. Hey, she doesn't blame them. Not one bit, George is one fine man. But she doesn't like it.

A low whistle sounds beside her. "My, oh my. Don't they look ravishing together?" The person makes a small 'oop' sound. "Sorry, didn't realize it was you."

It's nothing but playful teasing, Chungha has been around long enough to understand that. So she doesn't bat an eyelash as she slaps the eldest Bangtan member in the ribs causing him to dramatically double over, clutching his side.

"That's it. Approval revoked, you're no longer welcome around these streets. Security! Escort her out, she has a knack for attacking innocent bystanders."

Chungha gives him a side eye, before scoffing. "I barely even touched you."

"I bruise easy," Seokjin defended, holding his arms up in front of him to block any future attacks. Chungha doesn't reply, shifting her gaze back to her boyfriend.

The target of Chungha's heavy glare has gone a step further, rubbing George's chest up and down, and it's clear to him that the conversation isn't all that innocent after all, as he helplessly tries to back away whilst simultaneously searching for his girlfriend to save him.

"Do you think I should go help him?"

Jin glanced over, a snort shaking his body. "I would. He looks like a mouse trapped in a corner."

That's all Chungha needed before she shoved her purse against Jin's chest and made her way towards the pair, a sickly sweet smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around George's bicep. He jumped at the contact, only to breathe out a sigh of relief when he saw his girl.

"I've been looking for you."

"Who's this?"

Chungha couldn't help but feel slightly superior as the hand that was on George's chest, dropped to their side defeatedly.

"I'm Chungha," she introduced with a grin.

"Oh, you didn't mention a Chungha when we were talking earlier," the statement was aimed at George, a smirk forming on their face. "Is she your sister?"

"She's right here. And it doesn't matter what I am, it just matters that i hold more importance in his life than you. Have a nice night." Chungha gave one last false grin, before heading off back towards Jin. Only to realize that George was still standing frozen in one spot like a lost puppy. "Geun!"

"Yes Ma'am!" Giving a clumsy bow to the now stunned, failed single pringle before he scurried after his girl.

Jin handed Chungha back her purse, an impressed smile on his face. She returned his grin and slipped the strap of her purse over her shoulder.

"You have got to learn when to walk away," Jin scolded, slapping George on the back.

"I didn't want to be rude, besides, they found my jokes funny so i just couldn't stop."

Neither Jin or Chungha had the heart to let him know that his jokes were in fact, not funny, and he was merely the victim of a sugar coat to get in his bed. What he doesn't know, won't hurt him.

"Never change, baby." Chungha kissed his cheek. "But if you ever let someone flirt with you so openly with me watching, at least invite me to join."


this was kinda an in the spur of the moment chapter, i had a random burst of inspiration and just started writing — i'm sorry it's so short.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 💜

— blue x

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