▹ Geokook live content

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[ special chapter — george is still in america, this is just a random burst of energy so let's say this is set before he left :) ]
! also appreciation for my bestie who surprised me with a jungkook funko pop without me even asking<3 !

[ a collection of moments where george appeared in jungkook's lives ]

one — surprise drinking buddy.

George hadn't been aware of the fact that Jungkook was live when he decided to pop in. He had been on a late night walk with Pluto when he suddenly felt the desire to see his favourite Maknae, and texted him to see if he was awake.

Jungkook, of course, was. His sleeping schedule was a mess to be frank so it wasn't any surprise to George. The youngest invited him over, failing to mention to both George and the viewers that they would be seeing each other.

Already having a key to the Maknae's place, George entered without hesitation, the sound of the door shutting causing Army to startle as they wondered who had just walked in. But Jungkook remained unmoved, not even flinching at the sudden noise.

Speculation flooded the comment section of people questioning whether Jungkook had a partner who made a surprise visit. However, all questions were forgotten as soon as a familiar figure appeared behind the beloved Maknae, causing an uproar of joy and excitement in the comments.

George stood behind the youngest, gently placing his hands on Jungkook's shoulders. "You're live?" he asked, amusement twinkling in his eyes. Jungkook gave an enthusiastic nod, a wide grin spreading across his face as he leaned into the comforting warmth of George's touch. George removed one hand from Jungkook's shoulder and waved to the audience with it, a look of fondness crossing his face as he said with a smile, "hey guys. Long time no see."

The youngest eagerly undid the lead attached to Pluto's collar, then scooped up the small pup and held him close to the camera. He took one of Pluto's paws and made him wave, while George quickly shed his coat and settled down beside them both, ensuring they were still in view.

The comment section went wild with greetings and compliments towards the two newest guests.

"Did you drive here?" Asked Jungkook.

George shook his head, peering down at a very content Pluto in the Maknae's arms, face pressed against Jungkook's chest. "No. Decided to take him on a late night walk to tire him out."

"Stay the night here and drink with me."

It didn't take much convincing, George was much too tired to endure the walk home and by the looks of it, Pluto wasn't for leaving either.

"Sleepover!" George read out one of the comments in a high pitched voice. "It's been a while since we've had one of those."

Jungkook, still cradling Pluto in his arms, headed to the kitchen to make a drink for George. Handing it over to him carefully, Jungkook retraced his steps and settled back into his seat, the dog cuddled up close against his chest.

"I miss holding Bam like this."

"You probably still could. I mean, you've held me like that before—quite a humbling experience."

The two erupted into laughter and clinked their glasses together in a toast. George wiped the liquid from his mouth then inched closer, eyes drawn to words that made him chuckle.

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