▹ Happy December

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"Why are you calling me?"

George opened his mouth slightly, a little taken aback by the abrupt answer from the man on the other end of the line. Just as George was about to give a sassy remark in retaliation, the man spoke again.

"You're supposed to be on a date."

"I am on a date but I wanted to call you and wish you happy birthday since I didn't get to do it before I left," George explained. "You know I never miss saying happy birthday to you. Anyway, did you see what I left by your bed for you?"

There was silence on the other end causing George to groan out loud and pinch the bridge of his nose, from across the room, he heard Chungha laugh quietly to herself. He turned around to face her and saw her smirking at him whilst attempting to fix the branches of the Christmas tree.

For their first date, they had decided to do something in the comfort of George's apartment since the two have high profiles and didn't want anyone to suspect anything. Chungha had suggested decorating his apartment for Christmas and he couldn't say no when she looked so excited.

He poked his tongue out at her before focusing back on Jin, who was still trying to come up with an excuse.

"I literally left it on your bedside table so you would see it!" George scolded the eldest. "This is why I never do anything nice for you, you ruin my surprises and then it ruins my mood."

"It's not my fault! There was nothing there when I looked! I haven't been in my room all day but I swear when I woke up there was nothing there!"

George narrowed his eyes. "Huh? But that can't be, I placed it there deliberately after I put Pluto in Jungkook's room before I left to head to the studio this morning, I then even called Jungkook before picking up Chungha to see if you had seen it and when he went to check, he said the gift was beside your bedside table where I left it."

"My- WELL NO WONDER I DIDN'T SEE IT IF YOU LEFT IT BESIDE THE BEDSIDE TABLE YOU FOOL!" Jin yelled down the phone causing George to wince.

"Listen here birthday boy, yell at me again and I will make sure you don't live to see your next birthday! I'M A SENSITIVE GUY!" George let out a breath. "Just- when you go home, check beside your bedside table and it should be there and if it isn't then i'm going to punch you for losing my amazing gift."

With that, George hung up the phone and turned towards Chungha who was still fixing the tree with an amused grin on her face. He sat down beside her and began pulling out the branches making the process a whole lot quicker than it had been when she was doing it alone.

"What did you even get him?" She asked with a laugh.

George smirked and nodded over to the kitchen counter. "The gift I actually got him is sitting over there on my countertop."

Chungha frowned and stopped her movements. "But you just-"

"Oh yeah, I told him it was in his room so then he will have to spend time looking for a gift that isn't even there. I find it rather funny," George told her with a shrug. "The others are in on it. I told Hoseok to tell him that the gift was really expensive so it'll make him look for it even harder."

"Your group both terrifies and amuses me."

"Well, get used to it because you'll be seeing a lot more of it."

Chungha's lips curled up into a small smile as she continued to fix the branches of the tree, a tint to her cheeks.

"A lot more of it? Does that mean- well does that mean that this is sort of exclusive?"

❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞.  𝖻𝗍𝗌 𝖺𝖽𝖽𝖾𝖽 𝗆𝖾𝗆𝖻𝖾𝗋 [ ✓ ] Where stories live. Discover now