▹ Pimple peach

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George Lee is beyond an idiot.

The BTS boys sat surrounding his hospital bed with an awkward Hwasa waiting outside. Boy, did he have some explaining to do. Namjoon wasn't the slightest bit surprised when he walked into the room to find his member sitting in the bed with a broken foot and concussion.

"I accidentally sent my butt to Hwasa." George blurted out nervously, feeling slightly pressured by the seven pairs of questioning eyes on him. His statement only caused a few eye rolls and a gasp from Jimin.

"Okay. What does that have to do with you smashing your head against a wall and falling down the stairs?" Questioned an impatient Yoongi, the poor guy just wanted to go back to his studio, but apparently he was obligated to be there for his...friend.

George cleared his throat, cheeks heating up slightly as he recalled the past events in his brain. It was quite embarrassing, but he knew he would have to tell them at some point.

"Okay so like I had a pimple on my ass cheek, right? And I wanted to see if it was ready to be popped but I couldn't tell so I took a butt pic — my butt looked peachy as hell by the way — and I was supposed to send it to Jimin to like check out my cheeks since it's what we do, but Hwasa was next on my recents and I must have clicked on her name instead of Jimin's and well...she got the picture."

"I asked how you ended up in hospital, not how you ended up sending a nude to your secret admirer," Yoongi spoke up again.

George rolled his eyes. "anGrY eLf."


"fiNE. So after I realised I had sent her a pic of my ass cheeks I panicked. Ran out of my room as if it would help, was far too frantic to see the stairs and fell down them...I then realized I couldn't move because like ouch and I called Hwasa because she was the contact open and endured a really awkward ambulance ride."

The room was silent for several seconds before loud laughter cut through the tension. Everyone turned to their left. Jeon Jungkook was rolling around in his chair hysterical at the mistake made by his elder. Soon enough, the others joined in.

"I'm literally not letting you sign my cast." The laughter stopped immediately. "Seriously? That shit works on you guys? What are you? Six?"

"I'm eleven so shut the fuck up," Taehyung piped up from the corner.

George wanted to respond with a sassy remark, but the door opening stopped him. His manager along with a nurse entered the room, George put on his sweetest smile knowing he was about to have his other leg broken.

"Don't even bother trying to be cute, Geun. I am so angry with you. A broken leg and a concussion? You do realise you can't dance for a while right? Will you be able to even perform? I'm so gonna kill you when we get out of here."

Everyone turned to the nurse who looked horrified. George shrugged his shoulders casually.

"It's all good, I'm used to it."

"Um...okay? Anyway, could you explain to me what you were doing that caused your-"

"He sent a butt pic to his girlfriend out there when he was really supposed to send it to Jimin Hyung right here, he then panicked and fell down the stairs like a loser with no balance," Jungkook explained confidently.

"She's not my-"


George huffed, "I just don't want to give anyone the wrong idea. Also I'm a panicked loser with no balance, thank you very much."

Jin was losing his will to live.

"Look, why don't we all leave and give the panicked loser with no balance some time with his non girlfriend? Just whilst we wait for them to patch him up and give us the doctory informationy thingy."

The boys agreed, sending suggestive winks towards their member who let out a cry. Once they were out of the room, Hwasa entered just as the nurse began to leave promising she would be back to get him all fixed up.

Even she winked at him.

Hwasa frowned in confusion, but sat down quietly. Folding her hands in her lap, she pressed her lips tightly together.

"I mean...it looked ready to be popped if you ask me."

George whipped his head around to face her, eyes filled with question marks. She coughed as an attempt at hiding her laughter. George couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Stop laughing it was supposed to go to Jimin."

"Do you usually send butt pics to your friends or...?"

"Only when I miss them."

She nodded in understanding. The amused smile on her face had George's heart skipping ten beats; that alone made him feel sick. Clearing his throat, he itched his head awkwardly.

"Thank you for um....not leaving me for dead."

"Anyone would have done the same thing," She explained with a smile.

"No...I once banged my head whilst making a tiktok and cried on the floor, Jungkook just left me to play Overwatch."

"That is so.....Jungkook."

"Right? Oh my god. I was like mood."

The two fell back into a comfortable silence, one that felt nice and not awkward. Hwasa wanted to grab his hand, George wanted her to hold it but neither of them made the move and George didn't know whether to be thankful for that or not.

"Okay so, you're all ready to go. I have your crutches here ready for you and I have given your dad the medication for your head injury, don't go to sleep for at least a few hours or else. If you have any further problems make sure to call back."

George nodded, stifling his giggles at the fact that she thought his manager was his dad. Hwasa and the nurse helped him up and onto his crutches. George got the hang of it quite easily. Hwasa chuckled and grabbed his hoodie, folding it over her arm as she walked behind him.

"You ready to go pimple peach?" Asked Jin with a smile.

George let out a sarcastic laugh before his face dropped down into a straight, blank expression. As he made his way out of the hospital, the boys couldn't help but notice how he was a lot closer to Hwasa than usual. They also notice the way his eyes shined differently when he looked at her.

Jin and Yoongi glanced at each other. Was George starting to accept her feelings? Was he preparing himself to move on?...

They hoped so.

Hey guys! No sleep Blue here! I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas and I do wish you guys will have a safe new year!

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway.

You're greatly appreciated 💜

— Blue x

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