▹ Wedding bells ringing

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:: warning — suggestive towards the end.

"Do i look okay? Should I change? Oh my gosh, I should've gotten my makeup done professionally." George frowned at the panicked lady behind him, hastily fixing her hair and outfit with the help of the camera he had set up in his studio.

"Pretty girl, it's a facetime call. You're not walking the runaway. Besides, you always look beautiful."

Chungha was flattered, but at the same time, his words did not help. "A FaceTime call with Ariana Grande on her wedding day of all days! I cant look average, this is a huge deal."

Being a close friend of Ariana's, she had personally requested for George to call her as she wanted to see him at least once on her wedding day. He was one of her closest friends and she wanted him there on her big day; it was also the perfect chance to meet his girlfriend.

George had two phones set up. His IPhone that was propped up on a tripod waiting to be used, and his Samsung which he was using to scroll through his social media whilst his girlfriend had a whole breakdown behind him. Her panic worsened when the familiar ringtone set in and Ariana was requesting the call.

Placing down his Samsung, he reached behind him and took Chungha's hand before sliding the bar across. Chungha took deep breaths as the word 'connecting' appeared on the screen as well as their faces. Suddenly, Ariana popped up smiling and Chungha nearly fainted.

"Georgie! Im so excited to see you!"

"Ariana! You look beautiful. My condolences that it isn't me you're marrying but Dalton makes an amazing replacement for my rejection."

Ariana rolled her eyes. "Can't you just congratulate me like a normal person?"

George scoffed. "No. Don't ask stupid questions."

Anyone else may have been offended, but Ariana knew George well enough to know that it was just his humour. So, she laughed at the comment. Whilst she was distracted with her giggles, George had to practically fight Chungha from leaving the room, eventually forcing her down on his lap.

"This is my girlfriend-"

"Chungha!" Ariana cheered excitedly making George pull a face, slightly offended by her excitement. She didn't sound that excited to see him. "It's so lovely to meet you, George has told me so much about you!"

"Ah! Im a huge fan, thank you so much for letting me intrude on your call. Also congratulations! You and you husband make a lovely couple," Chungha spoke politely making George smile.

"You're too sweet! We have got to meet in person sometime!"

"Don't be fooled, she's being nice to you but she threatened to shove my toilet brush down my throat earlier," George interrupted, causing Chungha to whip around and slam a hand over his mouth.

"I'm not violent, he deserved it. In my defence, he also told me that he would feed me to a pack of wolves for a chicken McNuggets box."

Ariana held a hand to heart heart. "You two are so cute together. Babe! Aren't they cute together!?"

She turned and angled the camera to face her husband, who greeted the two politely. He had met George twice during FaceTime calls he had with Ariana and the two got along quite well.

"He told her he'd throw her into a pack of wolves for some chicken McNuggets so she told him she would choke him with his toilet brush. Isn't that so cute?"

"He's got his priorities straight. Nuggets over partner. Any day," Dalton agreed.

George fist bumped him through the screen. "My man. Ariana don't mess this up for me, he's perfect."

"Fine. I'll keep Dalton as long as you keep Chungha. She's better company than you."

George narrowed his eyes, tugging his girl closer to him. "Deal."

Ariana fist pumped the air excitedly.

Chungha's excitement had since calmed but her heart was still going at a rapid pace and she wasn't sure whether it was from George's touch or the phone call. His hand travelled down to rest on her thigh, keeping his eyes on the screen.

Resisting the urge to feel effected by his grip, she did her best to focus on the the bride and not how hot her boyfriend looked in a bucket hat.

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow. Enjoy the rest of your wedding!"

The two wished the newly weds another round of congratulations before the call came to an end. George let out a breath.

"That went we-" he was cut off by a pair of hands grasping his shirt and pulling him in for a very heated kiss. His hands roamed up and down her back, eventually slipping under shirt. His fingers trailed against her skin leaving a path of tingles behind. When they pulled back for a breath, George's face was red. "Well."

Chungha didn't speak. She simply looked from him and then to the empty sofa behind him before a smirk appeared on her lips.

And he didn't need words to know what she wanted. And he definitely did not need to be convinced to give into her wants. So, he locked the studio door and thanked the builders for it being soundproof.


i know someone wanted to see him at her wedding, and thought it was a good idea so here we are.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 💜

— blue x

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