▹ Award receiving moments

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:: Just George during the award speeches.


The stadium was alive, smothered in idols, staff members and fandoms of all kinds. It was actually rather daunting, and George found himself holding onto the side of Yoongi's jacket. He felt sick given the fact that they were up for a Daesang award, that he truthfully didn't expect to win. Of course, he had faith in his group, but a Daesang would be a dream and he didn't want to get his hopes up.

"So, the MNET Asian Music Awards HotelsCombined Artist Of The Year Award. I will announce the winner..." She paused, and George focused on Yoongi's fingers. "BTS!"

His head whipped up with eyes wide in utter astonishment. The group all reacted in shock, and Yoongi had to drag George out of his seat, who was on the verge of bursting into tears, into the group hug they shared.

The group headed up to the stage, and George remained behind Yoongi with his head thrown back in an attempt to stop the tears, though when he tilted his head back down, his eyes caught sight of Jin, who had started to cry and the doors to the waterworks in his eyes opened.

His dad was going to be so proud.

Noticing that he was now hysterical, Yoongi pulled him into an embrace whilst trying to hold himself together, though he too shed tears during the speech.

It was an emotional moment, one all of the boys will remember for the rest of their lives.

They had done it.


As grateful as George is for all of the awards that BTS have won, he can't deny that receiving them is his least favourite part. It's not that he doesn't like thanking the people who got the boys that award, it's the fact that he hates making speeches.

As loud as George is, the boy suffers from anxiety and the idea of having to talk in front of all of those idols and professional artists, as well as a lot of other fandoms not just ARMY, scares him. He's awkward, and doesn't really know what to say most of the time.

But does that stop Namjoon from trying to force him up to the mic? Nope.

And does George resist easily? Absolutely not. That boy will do anything in his power to get the hell away from that microphone.

The second George saw Namjoon's eyes scanning the group, he knew exactly what was coming, so he ran to the opposite side of the line and bent down behind Jungkook, who was also trying to get away. Just when George thought he was in the clear, two hands grabbed his shoulders.

Kim Namjoon had got him.

"If you try and make me do a speech, I will tell this entire arena to drop out of school, flip off their teachers and commit arson. Don't test me, Kim. I will do it."

George was pushed in front of the mic, and Namjoon gave his shoulder a reassuring leaning close leaning close to his ear.

"If you don't want me to burn your Disney collection, you will give a normal speech and not try to get our fans arrested."

George glared at him. "Oh, you are one evil man."

Namjoon grinned and nodded to the mic.

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