▹ George at the AMAs.

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Anxiety crawled up George's spine as he stood beside Jungkook, welcomed with the screams and shrieks that they hadn't heard in so long. George was still slightly sick, though he wasn't contagious and had slept the flu off, he was still suffering with a headache which was only getting worse.

The AMAS are overwhelming to say the least, they had no time to think before they were pushed into interview after interview and George was doing his best to push through his discomfort to help translate with Namjoon.

During their Access interview, the Harry Styles concert was brought up which is exactly what George expected.

"I was actually super upset because I was supposed to go, you know I love Harry Styles he reminds me a lot of home, you know? But I was recovering from the flu, so I was stuck in the hotel."

The interviewer held her heart. "Lizzo said on Twitter that she was upset that she couldn't see you."

"I was upset too, I really love Lizzo," George spoke followed by a nervous laugh hoping Chungha wouldn't take that statement in the wrong way — he knew she'd be watching.

However, much to his lack of knowledge, she was back home scolding him for not wrapping up warmer. Though everyone else around him thought he looked well, his girlfriend could see right through him and she knew he was still feeling under the weather.

"We heard that Lizzo is especially a fan of these two," Namjoon spoke, pointing between Jimin and V.

George grinned. "She's a Vmin stan."

Jimin blushed, getting slightly shy and that worsened when he mentioned that Lizzo called them sexy. George reached over and pinched his cheek, finding him so utterly adorable.

• • •

"If we win Artist Of The Year, you have to man up and ask Chaeri on a date."

Taehyung covered his face with his hand as George leaned back in his seat, a knowing smirk on his face as he stared at the younger male. Taehyung shook his head, looking extremely flustered.

Before he could say anything else, the nominees were being called.

George rubbed his temples both to soothe his headache and the nerves that were hounding him. He stared at the ground, not able to look up when he was suddenly being dragged up out of his chair.

They'd won.

His brain crashed, and he didn't even know what was happening around him. Jungkook dragged him into the group hug, causing him to stumble and never once did the Maknae let go of his hand.

"We won?" He asked in disbelief.

Jungkook nodded, squeezing his hand. "We won Artist Of The Year, Hyung!"

George was pulled up to the stage, and finally Jungkook let go of his hand. He was looking around, expecting someone to come out and tell them this was all one big prank.

"Is this real?" He asked Yoongi.

"It's real, Geun."

They had really just gone and won an Artist Of The Year award. They had really done it. He couldn't believe it.

By the time he finally came to his senses, Namjoon was being pulled away from the mic and Yoongi stepped up to do his own speech, which he did in Korean making George grin proudly.

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