▹ Broken handle

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Happy LATE birthday, Namjoon! I was meant to have a chapter out sooner than this but I was lost with ideas. 


"I can't believe you managed to break the flipping door handle." 

George sat with his back against the wall in a small enclosed closet as Namjoon tried to pry the door open. George was trying to not let the small space bother him, but he was starting to panic. They had only gone into the supply room to get the mop and towels to clean up the mess that Taehyung ended up making in the practice room and now they were stuck. 

"It was loose!" 

"No, it wasn't. No one else has ever had a problem with that door handle, Joon."

George had opened the door and it felt secure and fine, but when Namjoon went to open it once they had retrieved the essentials, it came straight off in his hand. Why he had even closed the door in the first place was completely beyond him. Running a hand through his sandy brown hair, George sighed and jumped to his feet. 

"This room is so small! We're gonna fucking die in here, we're gonna completely waste away and when they find out we will be skeletons. SKELETONS NAMJOON! I CAN'T DIE YET, I'M TOO YOUNG AND TOO PRETTY--"

"Calm down, we're not gonna--"


"Stop freaking out--"


The heavy breaths and panicked eyes said otherwise. Namjoon dropped the handle on the floor and took George's shoulders in his hands. He lightly shook him. "George, we're gonna get out of here. I know you're not the best with tight spaces, but we're not gonna die. One of the boys will come looking for us and we'll be let out. Jimin panics whenever you're gone for so long, so he will come looking for us." 

George was breathless as he nodded. 

"Yeah, you're right. We can't die in here we're at the company, people are walking around. They'll hear us for sure." He was trying to reassure himself and though it was only slightly working, it would do for now. Namjoon reluctantly released him from his grip and stepped away, he grabbed the handle off of the floor and began trying to fix the handle. 

On the other side of the door, it was in complete silence. George slid down the wall and closed his eyes, trying to push the thoughts of the small space out of his brain. He felt like the air was stuffy but he tried to remain calm. 

Namjoon muttered a chain of curse words as the handle dropped from his hand. Slamming his hand against the door, he sat himself down with a huff. 

"I blame you." 

George gasped. "What? Me? As in this fine piece of ass?" He asked as he pointed to himself, eyes now wide in complete and utter disbelief. "Excuse me, Rap Monster--"

"Call me that again, I dare you."

George smiled smugly. "Rap Monster." 

Namjoon should've known what was coming. George was known for being a smug and daring little shit, he gave no fucks. So really, he walked right into that one. George sat grinning slyly as Namjoon closed his eyes and took a deep breath to stop himself from launching at the male. 

"I'm going to punch you in the throat." 

"Show some respect for your elders." 

"George...we're the same age." 

"No, we were born in the same year but I'm older than you, so suck on my big to--wait...can you hear that?" An echoed laugh sounded from outside the door. The pair shared a look before they both launched towards the door, George landed with both hands against it and his cheek smushed up against the wood. "HELP, HELP WE'RE GONNA DIE. WHOEVER YOU ARE IF YOU DON'T GET ME OUT OF THIS STINKY ASS ROOM THEN I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND LOCK YOU IN HERE MYS--"

His sentence was cut short by the sound of a click. The two stepped back as the door opened to reveal Taehyun and Yeonjun. The two stared at their seniors with wide eyes but it didn't take much for Yeonjun to burst out laughing at George's dishevelled state. George stumbled out of the room and engulfed both boys into a hug. 

"I owe you my life." 

"Why were you both locked in a cupboard, Hyung?" Asked Taehyun shyly.

"Mr Heavy Hand behind me decided to break the door handle and locked us both in. I don't know where the others are or why they didn't look for us."

Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows. "They're in the practice room eating chicken with the rest of our group."

Namjoon and George glanced at each other whilst shaking their heads. 

Minutes later as they entered the practice room with Taehyun and Yeonjun, they found the elder boys and the younger boys munching on chicken and having a laugh, completely ignoring the absence of the pair. 

"Yeah, we're alive just in case anyone was worried," Namjoon spoke up but no one batted an eyelash. 

Turns out, they weren't as worried as the two had hoped they would be...the betrayal. 


I would've had a chapter out sooner, but I just haven't been inspired and I have been focusing on my Lachlan book but here, finally, we have a chapter for George. 

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway. 

You are greatly appreciated 💜

- Blue x 

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