▹ George the therapist.

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What to do when a member of BTS is sad?


Throw George at them and hope for the best.

You see, there are two reasons why the boys voted George as the one that is good with advice and cheering people up, because it goes down in one of two ways; he'll hold you, let you talk or simply cry and then slap you and tell you to get over it or he'll go straight to slapping you and telling you to get over it. And somehow...it just works.

So, when Namjoon heard that Taehyung was feeling very down, he barged into the dressing room where George was resting, yanked him off of the sofa and threw him into the lounge room backstage where Taehyung was sitting with his head in his hands.

George saluted Namjoon, which he always did when he had a 'cheering up a member mission' as he called it. He marched towards Taehyung and sat down beside him. He turned his body around and threw himself around the younger boy, latching onto him like a koala.

George's chin fell on Taehyung's shoulder and he blinked at the sad boy innocently. "You wanna tell me what's wrong or do you wanna cry?"

"There's been hate on Twitter-" Taehyung flinched as George's eyes darkened. Hate was a touchy subject, the boys had been instructed by George to never read the comments on Twitter about them, but he did understand that a certain hashtag had been trending.

"I know it's hard to push past the hashtag and comments, but look," He slid his phone out of his pocket and pulled up Twitter. "Army has taken care of it. Look, they've completely taken over the hashtag and even started a new one. See." He angled the phone so that Taehyung could see it.

A small smile appeared on the younger boys face.

"There is a selection of people on this planet that are so far up their own butt that all they can do it's spread shit. There's an even greater selection, that won't stand for that kind of behaviour and will stand up for you like they are doing. Because you deserve to be in this group just as much as the rest of us. BTS isn't BTS without our box smiled, Gucci boy, V."

His smile grew a little wider.

Yeah, that's why George is the comforter in BTS. He's like this walking security blanket for the others who literally just wraps around them when they're sad.

"Don't tell anyone, but you're my bias wrecker." George smiled smugly earning a loud laugh from Taehyung.

Mission accomplished.

"Who's your bias then?"

George raised a brow. "Isn't it obvious? Me? Duh. I'm great at everything I do, it's hard not to stan me." He sighed dramatically, of course, he wasn't being serious but Taehyung giggled anyway.

"Alright, Seokjin 2.0 calm down."

The two shared a smile at the mention of their Hyung. As much as they clowned him, the two adored Jin - George would never admit it like Taehyung would. But, he did. He loved Jin a whole lot more than he tends to show.

You see, George is like an embarrassed teenager. You know the ones that think it's uncool to tell their parents they love them? He's like that with pretty much everybody - except for Yoongi, George turns into the heart eye emoji for the great Min Yoongi.

Taehyung was swiftly ripped from the daze he was in by a sharp pain to the arm. Glancing at George, he rolled his eyes.

"You can't give me advice and then hit me to tell me to get over it."

"I just did."

"I-" Taehyung was lost for a response. "...guess you're right. You should've been a therapist."

George stared at the mirror ahead which had many makeup products set out across the table it was sitting on and shook his head slowly.

"I'd get bored."

That wasn't a surprise, George had the attention span of 5 year old.

"So...you wanna go get some food or are you still sad? Should I slap you again? Please let me slap you again."

"No, you're not slapping me, you psychopath. And yes I could really do with some food right now." George pouted but kept his hands to himself as he stood up and followed after Taehyung who had already started walking out the door.

"All good?" Asked a worried Namjoon.

Taehyung turned and grinned at George who was now staring at the wall with his mouth open - he blanked out often.

"All good."

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