▹ Mischief

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"I would punch you, but that would be animal abuse." 

Roadtrips are supposed to be fun, however, George couldn't help but despise them, mainly because he's locked in a small space with seven boys. George was wedged against the door, arms folded and body tense as Jin repetitively cracked awful jokes that he would usually find funny if it wasn't for the bad mood he was in due to the toddler known as Taehyung constantly kicking his chair. The insult seemed to tickle Jin's funny bone as he began cracking up with his loud laughter. 

George's lips curled up into a sly grin, a feeling of accomplishment washing over his slouched figure at the laughter directed towards his comment. The grin was gone almost instantly as Taehyung landed another kick against the back of George's chair. Jumping up, he twisted his body around and reached over to leave a slap across the back of Taehyung's head. The younger boy screamed through his laughter as he cradled his head.

Once he was finally settled in his seat, George laid his head against the window with a glare. George adored the boys, but Gosh right now the only one he could really handle was Yoongi. Even Namjoon was acting up. The van was chaotic and George had enough. 


The entire car fell into silence, several pairs of eyes landing on George flicked away his imaginary long hair and turned to look out of the window. Jin, mortified, slapped the younger boy multiple times on the back of the head earning a whine from George, who had slammed his forehead against the window in surprise. Upon seeing him hit his forehead, Hoseok burst out laughing which set the rest of the car off. 

George slumped in his head and closed his eyes. He just couldn't wait for this journey to be over so that he could relax on the beach. 

An hour drive later, the boys had arrived at their destination. They had decided to take a group vacation and the airport was quite a far drive from the villa. George was the first one to dive out of the car, running up to the door. Jin followed behind him, with him being the one with the key to enter. George was eager to change and get out on the private beach area right beside their villa. 

"DIBS ON THE BIG ROOM!" George and Taehyung screamed together. The pair stopped in their tracks and stared at each other. Silently, Namjoon counted to five and as predicted the pair then began running towards the room. George pushed Taehyung out of the way, sending him flying into the wall. The older boy didn't bat an eyelash as he ran into the biggest room, closing the doors behind him. 

"Don't worry Tae, we'll be sorting rooms out fairly later. Just let him have this moment for now because I'm genuinely concerned he will pop a vein if he gets any angrier." Namjoon patted Taehyung's shoulder assuringly as George's evil laughter came out muffled behind the door. "Yeah, his psychotic side is showing. Let's just leave him for a little while." 

Hours later, George found himself shirtless laying on a towel with sunglasses over his eyes. Yoongi sat beside him with an expression that showed he wasn't impressed, his legs were crossed and the bucket hat on his head protected him from the sun. The glass of wine in his hand was keeping him occupied and the only reason he hadn't crawled inside to nap yet.

Namjoon was crouched down seemingly having a conversation with an insect he'd seen whilst Hoseok stepped out of the house one hand holding his side and the other holding a drink. George slid his glasses down and chuckled to himself. Hoseok was walking like a pregnant lady but George didn't question. He had his giggle and then went straight back to sunbathing. 

"I think I need to go to the opticians," Jin claimed. 


"Well, I must need them checked because im seeing George outside for once. Not only that but you don't have a hoodie on and he also hasn't complained in like 6 minutes, so this is either a dream or I need to talk with my optician." 

George scoffed, "I go outside. I just refuse to stay out there for longer than 45 seconds because I'm allergic to the sun." 

Jin looked like he genuinely believed him for a second before the realisation set in and he scoffed, laughing it off as if he hadn't just believed that George was allergic to the sun. George giggled to himself and turned to look at the water where Jungkook was filming Taehyung and Jimin.

"How mad do you think Jungkook would be if I threw his camera in the water?" 

"He would punch you, stamp on your body, hit you multiple times with that stick that Taehyung is holding, he'd then break your shoulder and drown you in the sea," Yoongi replied, his flat tone never once shaking. "And we would let him because you're one annoying piece of--WHAT THE HELL, GEORGE?!" 

George had taken the wine that George was holding and downed it as revenge for the insult that Yoongi had managed to even get out yet. Smirking, George rolled his neck around and faced his hyung with a smirk as he sipped the last bit of wine. 



I am so hungry. That's all I have to say.

Thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but I hope you enjoyed anyway. 

You are appreciated 💜

- Blue x

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