▹ His newest chapter

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As his feet touched American soil, George let out a tired breath. He was nervous, this was one of the first times that he was abroad for work without the comfort of his boys around him, so the nerves came with little excitement for his new journey — until 2025 of course and the crew would be back together again.

With a huge offer to be in a renowned show and his album underway, immense opportunities were opening up for him and he couldn't be more thrilled.

His manager had a tight grasp on his shoulder as he explained, "We'll head to the hotel first and you should get there with plenty of time to rest before your meeting at 5pm." He could already hear the loud crowd that was waiting for him outside, making his anxiety levels rise. But he tried to stifle it by reminding himself that they were there to show their support rather than cause him any harm. Despite this reminder, it was difficult for him not to.

"Hi George," a particularly nervous fan squeaked, her phone recording in her shaky hand that made the corner of George's mouth quirk up. She was a respectful distance away, not trying to grab at him or anything.

He gave her a gentle wave in return which increased the pace she was shaking tenfold.

The journey to the car wasn't as difficult as he'd anticipated; the crowd was surprisingly peaceful and respectful instead of hostile. He rolled down the car window and waved his hand out, prompting an even wilder response from the admirers that had gathered. He took a deep breath of relief, thankful that his short stride had been uneventful.

Once the car began moving to its journey of the hotel, George felt his phone vibrate against his thigh numerous times.

3 new messages from BANGTAN 💜

Jimin: did you arrive safely hyung? 😌

jungkook: well he's not gonna respond if he's dead is he

jimin: go back to disturbing your neighbours jeon

george: i have arrived safety.

jungkook: how many times do you have to be told to stop putting full stops during texts? you're not 50

george: how many times have i told you to mind your goddamn business.

namjoon: glad you've landed safely. you've got this! we're so proud of you

george: thank you big tiddie man love you.

After receiving a sudden burst of encouragement from his leader, George's spirits were suddenly lifted. He couldn't help but smile as he slid his phone back into his pocket and settled back into his seat. His plans were clearer than ever before and he was eager to get started and share his ideas with the Army.

As the hours ticked by George's nervousness grew in size and as five pm slid by, he shyly, he clutched onto the arm of his manager, who lead him through the door where he was met with the kindest smile he had ever seen.

"Oh my goodness! It's so lovely to meet you!"

George felt his hands start to shake as he was welcomed into a warm hug. "You too! I'm such a huge fan."

"I'm a huge fan of you." George felt his entire body almost give in as she poked his dimple sweetly. "Isn't he so cute. My goodness! What a pleasure this will be."

"The pleasure is all mine, believe me." The lovely lady took George's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, as though to assure him that all was fine. "Sorry, my hand is sweaty. I'm nervous."

Her laugh was a symphony, its golden notes filling the room with warmth and joy. "It's only me, there's nothing to be afraid of," she said teasingly. George felt his heart soar at her voice, the sound a soothing balm to his worries.

"But you're Beyoncé!"

"And you're George! I've heard so many great things about you and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, i'm so grateful you asked me to be on your album. And I am so excited to work with you."

George felt like he was going to be sick. He couldn't believe it when Beyoncé expressed her gratitude for him. Was he dreaming? He had started out as a young boy from London, and now here he was in a successful band with seven of his brothers, creating beautiful music alongside one of the biggest entertainers in the world. It felt too good to be true — like a dream come true.

Beyoncé was among four international superstars that would be featured on his upcoming album. Two of them had even contacted him, requesting to collaborate — an offer he gladly accepted. Despite his apprehension about this new chapter, he found strength knowing that his boys and his favourite girl were all supporting him. He was ready to take it on head-on.

George Lee was going to be a huge name, and not just with the attachment of BTS.

Big things were happening.



i have so much planned for solo george era — also sorry if this chapter seems random and all over the place, i had an idea for how i wanted it to go but then just couldn't for the life of me figure out how to fit it together, hopefully it's not too bad.

thank you so much for reading, this wasn't proofread but i hope you enjoyed anyway.

you're greatly appreciated 💜

— blue x

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