▹ George's dream came true

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— some of the cutest moments from when all of george's dreams came true.



In all the years of knowing him, the members of BTS have never seen George Lee look so happy. The smile on his face managed to get larger every turn and Jungkook is pretty sure he cried at one point.

But they weren't surprised, they were at George's dream place after all.

His obsession with Disney is worldwide, so the boys thought it was only fair to take him to the happiest place on Earth and boy was he excited when he found out.

The trip was a large surprise planned by not only the boys but nearly all of the staff at BigHit, he had become apart of their family too. He was a son to all of the older staff members, a brother to all of the younger.

Feeling faint by all of the excitement, Namjoon had decided to keep a hold on his hand to make sure he didn't run off, but George didn't complain. He was far too flabbergasted by his surroundings.

They were all seated ready to eat and George was bouncing in his seat like an excited toddler.

"Bro, bro, bro-" George cut himself off as he continuously slapped Taehyung's stomach. "Bro, Minnie is coming. Oh my god, this is my biggest dream, do I look presentable? I don't wanna look like a foot when I meet The Minnie Mouse."

"You're George Lee, it's impossible for you to ever look like a foot," Taehyung hyped him up, patting his back.

As Minnie neared their table, George let out a small squeak of excitement and his eyes widened when she stopped right beside him, and leaned closer to boop his nose which made him blink cutely.

She then leaned back and pressed her hands against her face and rocked side to side at his reaction, her silent way of gushing over his cuteness.

"Oh my god, Minnie Mouse just touched my nose," George blurted out. "I'm never washing my nose again."

That made her giggle, pressing her hands against her stomach, she leaned and exaggerated her laughter so that it was silent but they could tell that she was giggling at his dreamy remark.

After a few minutes of George just staring at her interacting with the other boys, they were given permission to take a picture with her. She stood next to George and leaned in as their manager snapped the photo.

Once all that was done, she gave each boy a hug before pulling back to walk away, but not before booping George's nose for the last time.

"Oh god, she did again. I think I might faint."


Throughout the day, George had dragged a rather unwilling Min Yoongi on many rides. It seemed as though George only wanted to go on with him and how could Yoongi say no when they were pretty much inside of George's dream?

Sitting on a bench, Yoongi slouched and took a sip dog of his drink with a groan as George jumped up and down. He was pumped, he usually wasn't a fan of rides but rides at Disney were the exception.

The other boys had separated from the pair, all deciding to do their own thing for a while so George clapped happily when he saw Jimin and Taehyung walking towards them.

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