Chapter 13: Ok First Time in WWE...This Finna Be a Breeze!!

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Friday at 7:22 PM...

WWE's Friday Night SmackDown was in Los Angeles tonight and CeeDee was given an invitation to come to watch the show in the front row of the VIP section.

Since he was going to a WWE event, he knew he had to look extra drippy to show off his clothes to people so he wore an extremely drippy outfit.

Since he was going to a WWE event, he knew he had to look extra drippy to show off his clothes to people so he wore an extremely drippy outfit

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Once CeeDee got to the arena, he began dealing with paparazzi and fans trying to get his autograph. After he was done, he was guided to his seat where he had no fans around him as it was just him and his security guards.

The show started off great as there were a bunch of matches that CeeDee enjoyed but after a little, while it was the midcard event as it was King Corbin vs Shorty Gable.

Michael Cole: King Corbon with a hard-fought victory!!

Corey Graves: Another impressive victory as King Corbin continues to rule over the WWE landscape!

After the match was over King Corbin celebrated his victory and taunted while the crowd booed him while CeeDee wasn't paying that much attention to the match at all. When Corbin looked and saw CeeDee on his phone and not paying attention to him it made him angry as hell.

The so-called King exited the ring and walked towards the VIP section where CeeDee was and stood right across from him while CeeDee still wasn't paying attention to him.

Corey Graves: Looks like the King is making his way towards our special guest tonight!

Michael Cole: Indeed he is! Ladies and Gentlemen if you don't know who our special guest is, it is the one and only CeeDee Rose who has been hot for a while after his fight with Youtuber Jake Paul when he knocked Jake Paul out in what probably was 9 seconds into the match!

Corbin: Hey buddy! Get off that phone and praise me!

Corey Graves: The King is trying to force Rose to praise him!

The blond hair dyed boy didn't respond as he kept playing on his phone as which made Corbin really angry.

Corbin: Buddy!! You listening?!!

CeeDee once again did not respond and that drew the line for Corbin.

Corbin: Hey you little shit!! 

The crowd ooed at the insult as that caused CeeDee to put his phone in his pocket and get up from his seat as he gave Corbin a deadly stare while Corbin tried to keep his composure as he was really nervous from the famous boy's stare.

Michael Cole: Yeah, I wouldn't have done that! King Corbin must not know who CeeDee Rose is! If he doesn't then he is signing his death wish!

Corbin: You finally off that phone huh? Finally! Now pay attention, Mr. Youtuber!! 

The so-called King chuckled and kept laughing until...


Corbin slapped CeeDee across his face as the crowd ooed again while CeeDee's mood switched faster than Sonic the Hedgehog. Corbin started to walk away but CeeDee quickly removed his shirt and accessories as the crowd cheered as CeeDee jumped over the barricade and started attacking Corbin as he first tackled him to the ground on the outside ring and started going to town on Corbin.

Corey Graves: Oh wow!!

Michael Cole: Here we go!! CeeDee Rose is laying hell to the king right now!!! This what you shouldn't have done Corbin!!

CeeDee delivered forearms and punches to the head of Corbin as it caused Corbin to be busted open. The assault continued until the security and referees came and removed CeeDee from Corbin as Corbin quickly ran all the way to the locker room while CeeDee was guided to the office of HHH and Stephanie.

30 minutes later...

CeeDee was sitting in the chair on one side while HHH and Stephanie were on the other side of the table. The boy didn't have his shirt on as he kept it on his lap while he had on his bandana and other accessories which caused Stephanie to blush and try to only focus on his face and not his chiseled Adonis-like- body.

HHH: Are you kidding me?! I invited you here as a guest!! And you tried to ruin my show!!

CeeDee: Nigga are you blind?! We just gonna act like we didn't see Corbin throw the first lick at me?!

HHH: Hey watch your language!! I will take care of Corbin!! Meanwhile, you get back to fighting other YouTubers!!

CeeDee: Nah bruh!! He decided to attack me! So let me take care of him! I heard SummerSlam was coming up so why don't I go one on one with him at SummerSlam!

HHH: *chuckles* Fine! You got your match! But don't come crying to me when you get your ass handed to you!

The King of Kings got up from his chair and walked out of the office only leaving CeeDee and Stephanie.

The blond hair dyed boy looked at Stephanie as she was a blushing mess right now.

CeeDee: You know don't deserve to be with him~. All he cares about is his own work and not making time for his absolutely sexy wife~

Stephanie: Oh! Why thank you! It's true that Huner does pay more attention to his work than I.

The famous Youtuber got up from his seat and sat next to Stephanie as his face got really close to her face making her blush.

CeeDee: Then how about I show you what love is shawty~.

With that, the boy pressed his lips onto Stephanie as they've begun making out as Stephanie had her hands on his face while the boy had his hands on Stephanie's ass making her moan. They kept making out for a few more minutes until they both pulled away.

CeeDee: How about you leave that fool and come fuck with me~.

Stephanie smirked seductively as she looked at her wedding ring as she then took it off and threw it.

Stephanie: Yeah you're right fuck Hunter! I found myself a new husband and he is a sexy ass one if I do say so myself

CeeDee smirked as he carried her bridal style out of her office as they continued to have their sexual fun.

To be continued...

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