Chapter 20: Game Over!

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Sunday at 9:00 PM...

The crowd of Brooklyn New York at SummerSlam was going crazy right now as this was the main event that they all have been waiting for which was Triple H vs CeeDee Rose. The crowd was chanting, "CeeDee Rose!" until...

The crowd booed heavily while Triple H came out from the back and began walking to the ring while Michael Cole, Corey Graves, and Jerry Lawler began their commentary.

Michael: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the main event of Summerslam! Corey and Jerry, let me ask you a question. Do you think CeeDee Rose can beat Triple H?

Jerry: Well Michael, CeeDee Rose has no background in wrestling but he does have a background in fighting.

Corey: But at the same time we are talking about Triple H, a man who has been in this business for well over a decade. I won't be surprised if he beats CeeDee Rose here in Brooklyn and shows everyone why he is called the King of Kings.

Triple H did his whole water spitting thing as he entered the ring as he walked to his corner while he stared at the ramp waiting for CeeDee as the crowd began chanting, "CeeDee!!" as it was a couple of seconds until...

The crowd of Brooklyn went nuts...especially the women as CeeDee came out in his wrestling gear with his jacket as he also had a face cover on him too. He started down Hunter as he kept walking to the ring looking menacing as ever as he was ready to freakin destroy Hunter.

He eventually got in the ring and removed his face cover and jacket while he also walked to his corner as well as JoJo came for the introductions.

Jojo: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Greenwich Connecticut, weighing at 256 pounds, The Game, Triple H!!!

Hunter raised his fists in the air while the crowd booed him a lot.

Jojo: Introducing second, from Los Angeles California, weight at 225 pounds, The Battering Ram, CeeDee Rose!!!

CeeDee didn't do anything as he just kept staring at Hunter with destroying intent while the crowd of Brooklyn went absolutely nuts.

The referee instructed the 2 and then rang the bell.


CeeDee and Hunter walked to the middle of the ring and got in each other's face as CeeDee was clearly taller than Hunter.

Hunter slapped CeeDee in the face causing CeeDee to chuckle and get serious as he punched Hunter so hard that Hunter immediately went flying into the ropes as he quickly got out of the ring while CeeDee stared him down.

Michael: Oh my god!!

Jerry: What a right hand!

Corey: That was the dominant power in that right hand!!

Hunter quickly went under the ring and brought out his sledgehammer.

Michael: The sledgehammer! Triple H's best weapon!

Jerry: That's how you know that Triple H is serious!

CeeDee didn't move as he just stood there and chuckled while Hunter slowly got back in the ring.

CeeDee: Come on bitch ass hoe!! Hit me with it! I dare you! 

Hunter got mad and right before he could hit CeeDee with the sledgehammer CeeDee ducked it bounced off the ropes and hit the Bullet of Capricorn as he sent the sledgehammer out of Hunter's hand and sent Triple H out of the ring again in pain.

Michael: Oh Man!! Bullet of Capricorn! 

Jerry: This match already started!

Corey: But CeeDee is looking to end this match early!

Michael: Yeah but he's gonna have to get Triple H back inside the ring.

CeeDee stood there while Hunter was trying to recover from that devastating Bullet of Capricorn but an idea flew into CeeDee's head causing him to smirk evily which made the commentators nervous.

Michael: Why is CeeDee smirking like that?

Corey: This can't be good...

CeeDee grabbed the sledgehammer and got outside the ring as he stood in front of the bruised-up Hunter.

CeeDee: I told you!! I was gonna end your career!!!

With that, CeeDee started going to town on Hunter hitting him with the sledgehammer causing Hunter to scream in pain.

Michael: Oh my god!!!

Corey: He's gotta stop!!

CeeDee kept going until he dropped the sledgehammer and grabbed a nearby chair and threw Hunter back inside the ring.

Jerry: Oh no...

Michael: You heard CeeDee Rose said that he was gonna end Triple H's career and I think we may see the end of it right now...

CeeDee got back inside the ring and waited for Hunter to get up and as soon as Hunter got up...


CeeDee hit Hunter with a stiff shot with a chair to the head which caused Hunter to be busted open as blood was pouring down the face of Triple H as Hunter collapsed on his back.

Michael: OH NO!!!

Corey: That was a mean chair shot!!

Jerry: I think Triple H is finished after that!

CeeDee grunted and got Hunter back on his feet just to run and bounce off the ropes and hit Hunter with another Bullet of Capricorn as Hunter collapsed face-first while CeeDee rolled him up for the cover.

1! 2! 3! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Jojo: Here is your winner...CeeDee Rose!

The Brooklyn crowd cheered while CeeDee got up and stood over the bloody and bruised body of Hunter and raised his hand in victory while he also saw Stephanie came down the ramp clapping her hands as she got in the ring and they began to have a make-out session in the ring.

to be continued...

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