Chapter 6: That's My Billie

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CeeDee's POV...

This time I'm deciding to invite Billie over to my house, I don't think she's been over yet but I'd say I've earned her trust enough so I guess it's appropriate, but I instead decided to have a date with her beforehand I guess.

On the phone...

Billie 💕

CeeDee: Hey Billie! 😘

Billie: Hey baby! ❤️

         CeeDee : You wanna go on another date today? We can like hang out somewhere where there's no one around to recognize you?

Billie: Sure what ya thinking?

CeeDee: How about we go somewhere where there's no people around? So we don't run the risk of people recognizing you? How about like a secret walking trail that only we go to?

Billie: Sure that sounds like fun

CeeDee: Cool let's go today at noon!

Timeskip to 12:30 PM...

We're walking where there's no one around, it's nice that me and her are finally alone together after a while

CeeDee: So shawty, do you wanna maybe come to my house? I don't think you've seen it yet so...

Billie: Uh sure! Any specific reason why?

CeeDee: Nah, just thought you'd maybe like to see what my place looks like plus we haven't been able to have some time alone together for a while

Billie: Yeah I guess that makes sense...ok sure let's go after this walk

We walked for about 10 more mins before we got back to my car, I drove us to my house and parked outside my garage

Billie: Wow, this is your house huh? A bit smaller than I thought it'd be haha

CeeDee: It's not that I can't afford a better one I'm just not the type to blow away all my money haha

Billie: Yeah same here I know what you mean

I unlocked the door and went inside

CeeDee: Well it's not the best house but...y'know make yourself at home

Billie: Thanks

She sits on my couch.

Billie: Omg your couch is so much more comfortable than the one I have at my place!

CeeDee: Glad you think so, you should see how comfortable my bed is!

Oh dear I just realized how bad that sounded

CeeDee: uh...that came out wrong...I meant-

Billie: Haha! Chill I know what you meant sure I wanna see your bedroom anyways

I open the door to show her my bedroom, which is where I keep a guitar, a piano and a computer and microphone I produce some music from time to time on

Billie: Wow, I guess you really are into music like us I'm glad you're still following your dream!

CeeDee: Glad you think so, it's a nice comfortable room I always like to sleep in, plus it's chill to play some video games once in a while during my downtime

Billie: Yeah it definitely seems comfy

We continued talking and hanging out in my bedroom for the rest of the afternoon and before we know it, it was getting late

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