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But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating

But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating

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in real life !

Now it was just me and Tommy on the discord call. It was only 11pm here in California, but for Tommy it was around 7am. It was a Friday night, so I supposed that was fine. It was a bit quiet when it was just the two of us, but I kind of liked it. A comfortable silence. I was about to break it though, when an amazing idea popped into my head.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked him, and it was still silent. Maybe he was thinking. 

"Sure" He spoke, and I let out a sigh of relief. I was worried maybe I had scared him or something.

"Alright. What do you wanna watch?" I asked, opening up the Netflix account I share with my friends.

"I dunno. You can pick something." He smiled.

"Hmm" I searched for a movie and soon enough, I found one. "Ooh! Have you ever seen The Perks of Being a Wallflower?" I exclaimed. This was my favorite movie and if I could get Tommy to watch it, I would be overjoyed. I'm not sure why I specifically wanted him to watch it, but I brushed it off and waited for his answer. 

"The perks of what?" He laughed and I gasped.


"Woah calm down woman. It's not that big of a deal."

"No it most definitely IS that big of a deal. We're watching it. end of discussion." 


"Shh!" I interrupted him. "You'll love it, don't worry." I confirmed and he sighed. I sent him the link to the Netflix party and I got the notification.

tommy😎has joined.

"Alright." I clicked play and the movie began. I left little comments throughout the movie, little jokes and references. Tommy hadn't said anything, although he did let out a few laughs and smiles. I had convinced him to turn on his camera, and I turned mine on, too.

About 20 minutes into the movie, he finally spoke, "Why's he just standing alone. No friends or anything. If I were him I would've gotten myself a girlfriend by now." He joked, during the scene  at the dance, where Charlie's standing all alone by the wall. 

"Well sorry we can't all be as smooth as you Tommy." I chuckled, and I noticed a slight blush rise to his cheeks and he tried to avoid eye-contact. weird. 

About ten minutes later, the best scene in cinematic history began.

"OH MY GOD TOMMY THIS IS THE BEST SCENE." He jumped slightly at my outburst, but I couldn't help myself. This was the tunnel scene. I watched as the song was playing, as I admired Emma Watson. God I wish I looked like her. I turned to Tommy to see if he was paying attention, but much to my surprise, he was admiring me instead. I gave him a small smile and took this chance to admire him as well. I had never really payed attention to what he looks like, until now. His hair was a bit messy, but I liked it. His blonde locks complemented his blue eyes quite well. I loved his eyes. They were a deep shade of blue, filled with mischief and ambition. I could look into them forever and never get tired. His cheeks were nice and rosy. I had never really noticed how cute he was until now. Did I just think that? No, I need to stop myself. Tommy's a friend, and that's all he's ever gonna be, right? I shook the thoughts away and turned back to the movie. 

We were about an hour into the movie when the most embarrassing scene came on. I started to cringe at the thought, and Tommy just gave me weird looks. 

"Okay, I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl in the room, on the lips. And notice I charitably said "girl" and not "person", because let's face it, I'd smoke all you bitches." 

Everyone chuckled at Patrick's dare, and I watched as Charlie turned to Sam, instead of Mary-Elizabeth. I covered my eyes and cringed and Tommy laughed at me. The scene played on and Tommy just laughed, not phased whatsoever. 

"I mean, why would he even do that? He knew the outcome, and if you have a girlfriend, shouldn't you just be happy with that?" Tommy spoke, a bit more serious.

"While you do have a point, you have to remember, he's had a crush on her, since like, the beginning of the movie so, the heart takes over I guess." I shrugged and Tommy gave me an odd look.

"How do you know if you have a crush on someone?" He asked and I was a bit taken back. This was a question I never expected from him in a million years.

"Well, uhm," I cleared my throat, "You get happiest when you talk to them, you put in effort to like things that they like, maybe you blush or get butterflies when they compliment you." I smiled. I was trying to be helpful, but in reality I had no idea how to tell either. Maybe I should listen to my own advice for once. 

"Oh. Just wondering." He said with a straight face and turned back to the movie. I wonder if Tommy likes me. I mean, I want him to and-- No. I need to stop myself right now. I turned back to the movie again and it played on. Eventually we finished the movie and it got late for me, so we decided to switch to facetime. We talked for a bit, before I slowly drifted off to sleep, Tommy still on the other end. 





𝗽𝗿𝗲𝘁𝘁𝘆 𝗯𝗼𝘆 - 𝘁𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝘁.Where stories live. Discover now