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Why are we so complicated?
Maybe love is overrated


"Where are you taking me, Tommy?" I questioned as Tommy led me through the town. We had ordered an Uber to get here, but I still was not informed of where we were actually going. 

"Trust me okay! You trust me, don't you?" He assured me and I just rolled my eyes.

"I guess." 

He led me along what felt like hundreds of stores and restaurants and what not before he finally told me we were there. I looked up to see a white beat up fence.

I looked at him quizzically with an eyebrow raised, "Is this some places back entrance or something?" I laughed.

"No! Trust me, cmon." He led me through the gate and under a large awning to find a few tables, some having discarded napkins and straws. The fence and brick wall on the other side were lined with vines and small, twinkling lights. There were a few people sat at certain tables, probably celebrating valentines day, just like we were. 

I smiled at him as he led me through the door at the end of the walkway and as it shut I was met with what looked to be a cafe, there were a few tables, a door labeled "bathrooms", walls with beautiful murals and graffiti on them, and what seemed to be dozens of glass jars, all labeled. 

"Woah" I was in awe, "Tommy, how did you find this place?"

"I did a bit of research, and apparently this place is pretty cool so.." He trailed off as he looked down at me with a nervous expression, "Do you- do you think it's cool?"

"It's so cool, what the hell." I continued admiring every detail about this place as Tommy let out a sigh of relief. "What, did you think I wouldn't?" 

"Well, uh, I mean- I don't know I j-"

"Tommy, I would've liked anything you thought of, but this..this is really cool." He let a small smile let it's way onto his lips and gave me a kiss on the forehead before explaining how the cafe worked. So basically, all the jars have different tea flavors, and they were all for different things. Some teas helped calm you, some did the opposite and energized you. I ultimately decided on getting "sea of love" with boba in it, and Tommy got "chamomile tie guang yi" without boba. 

After getting our drinks, we sat outside and basically just talked. Talked about life, our friends, and how twitter was probably going crazy at the moment. We hadn't really checked our phones though. And it was, strangely nice. Y'know, staying away from the internet, even if it's just for a few hours. But I guess it helps that Tommy's here. 

"I'm so glad you're here." I smiled softly. "You know, for Valentines day and stuff. Thank you." 

"You don't have to thank me, I wanna be here for you." 

"For me?"

"There's no one else I'd fly across the globe for, darling." 


"Alright, now it's my turn to ask where we're going." Tommy laughed as I dragged him through my neighborhood. I decided since he surprised me earlier, I would surprise him. 

"As a wise man once said, you trust me, don't you?" I mimicked him from earlier, and now he was returning the favor of eye-rolling.

"Americans are seriously the worst. Remind me why I'm dating one?" He joked. Or at least I think he was joking. Sometimes I never know with that boy.

"Uh, because I'm amazing? And super cool, and funny, and-"

"Alright stop, your ego is way too high." He interrupted me.

"And yours isn't?" I laughed. "Alright, we're here."

"A park?" He asked, and I nodded joyfully.

"I used to always go to this park when I was little. Sometimes I come back just to think." I broke away from his hand and sat on the swings, observing the rest of the park.

"Well, what do you think about?" He sat down on the swing beside me and we both began to move back and forth.

"Just whatever's going on at the moment. It's usually bad stuff, so that's why I haven't been here in a while. There's not been much to complain about.." 

"Is there a possibility a tall, blonde, handsome, super strong, british big man has something to do with that?"

"Weren't you just telling me my ego was too big two minutes ago?" I snickered, "But yeah, theres a possibility." 

"Well, I'm sure you make him feel the same way." Oh god. This just takes me back to a few months ago, when my feelings for Tommy were just a dumb crush. When anything he said would erupt butterflies into my stomach. And now, here he is, still making me grin like an idiot. 

"I can't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now, honestly." 

"I can."

I turned to him, and he had that dumb smirk on his face, like he was definitely about to say something dumb. Something to ruin the mood, most likely.

"And what's that?"

"I-" He almost stopped himself, but proceeded. "I love you, y/n.."

My eyes widened and my jaw dropped a bit. That.. wasn't what I was expecting. 

"It's okay, don't like, feel pressured to say it back or anything.." He trailed off and bit his lip a bit. 

"Tommy, of course I love you." I held my hand to his face, turning him to face me. 

"You do?"

"Yeah." I blushed, and this took me back to when we first confessed to each other. It felt like so long ago. 

He leaned in a bit and brought his hand to my face, as I entangled my hand into his hair and played with it, and as the gap between us got smaller and smaller, I was so grateful to have Tommy here, in front of me.


so thats it omg

fun fact: the tea place is based on a real tea place near my house that me and my brother go to :D so thats cool 

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