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when you say my name, nothing's changed..

when you say my name, nothing's changed

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y/n pov !

I woke up to the faint light of the TV flickering towards me, and someones arms around me, keeping me warm. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and I recognized the face not far from mine as Tommy's. I felt myself gain butterflies in my stomach and blush on my cheeks as I just admired him while he slept. He was so cute, I didn't want to disturb him, ever. I just sat there and looked at him for god knows how long, finding something new about him what felt like every other minute. Eventually, I saw his eyes begin to flutter open, and it wasn't long before his eyes adjusted to the dark, too. I just gave him a small smile, and he returned it, and I could only pray he couldn't see the blush on my cheeks. He quickly noticed the position we were in, my hands around his neck while his rested around my waist. His eyes widened slowly and he began to panic.

"Oh, uh, I uh, sorry." He stuttered and got all flustered, and I could only think about how cute he was acting. 

"It's alright, I don't really care." I simply stated and stayed where I was. That is, until I noticed him staying silent and not moving. Oh fuck, did I make him uncomfortable? "I mean I could leave-" I began to get myself up. 

"No no no no." He quickly interrupted me as he pulled me back down, wrapping his arms around me. I just smiled and leaned into his touch. "Go back to sleep." He advised me and kissed my forehead softly, rubbing my back. I felt the butterflies come back and my throat close up. I couldn't say a full sentence right now if my life depended on it. And feeling comfortable and safe, I let sleep take over me as I lay in the arms of the boy I loved. 




2 things

1. sorry its so late all my shit got taken away !

2. sorry its so short but i wanted to leave it at that sooo yeah :))

anyways tips on how to get over ur ex ? pls send help im going insane 🙃

alright uh i love u all !

thank u so fucking much for 12.6k reads and 405 votes the fuck ??? u guys are the best omg

go drink water and eat OR sleep bc ik some of yall stay up hella late on wattpad just like me. 


- harlow <3 

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