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If I could burn this town
I wouldn't hesitate

If I could burn this townI wouldn't hesitate

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y/n pov !

I was sat down on the bed I would be sleeping in for the next week, with Niki across from me, a small smirk plastered on her face. I knew she  was up to something, but I wasn't sure what. 

"y/n, you know you can tell me anything." She gave me a glare and I wasn't really sure where this was heading. 

"Of course." I simply said and there was an awkward silence for a few seconds. To be fair, I didn't give her much to work with. "Is that all?" 

"Are we just gonna ignore that you were cuddling with Tommy in the car earlier?" She rolled her eyes and said abruptly. Oh. So that's what this was about. I guess it's now or never. 

"I was planning on it." I laughed. I hoped maybe I could avoid the conversation, but in reality I was just stalling.

"Just be honest, do you like him?" And there it was.

"I mean, I don't know I-" I started, but cut myself off once I saw the look she was giving me. "Alright, I kinda do. But, theres not really a point to this conversation it's not like anything is gonna happen anyways." 

"I mean he obviously likes you." She said simply. I gave her a weird look. He definitely did not like me. "Look y/n, I've known Tommy longer than you have, and I can tell you, he's not really the type to show physical affection. I mean, he barely hugs Tubbo, and he's his best friend!" She went on. "He was all snuggled up to you in the car, that must mean something!"  

"I mean, I guess but, I just can't tell him how I feel. Maybe if he told me, then it could work but-"

"y/n, you can't just wait for him to make the move. Tommy may seem like he's not scared of anything, but trust me, just about every teenage boy is afraid of confessing his feelings." She explained. "Maybe you don't have to tell him directly, but maybe just start by being more bold! You know, flirt or something." She wiggled her eyebrows and I just laughed.

"Okay, okay, I'll be bold. Now is that all?" I said once I had calmed down.

"Pretty much. Wilburs also trying to have this talk with Tommy, but he keeps avoiding him."

"WHAT? Please say you're joking." I started to get stressed. Was she going to tell Wilbur what I told her? And then he would tell Tommy and....oh my god I can't do this right now.

"I'm joking, I'm joking! He didn't tell me anything, and I didn't tell him I was asking you, but I was just judging by the things he was saying to Tommy that he might've thought of this himself." She told me.

"Okay just, don't tell anyone, please?" 

"I won't y/n! You know I wouldn't do that to you." She gave me a soft smile.




ayo i finished this last night but posted it rn bc i always post at like 2 in the morning...

anyways im in class rn

do u guys like sinjin drowning??????? bc i do 🤣👏🏻

anyways go eat drink water i love u MUAHHH

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