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i dont wanna think about it, when we're on different coastlines.


y/n pov !

It was the car ride to the airport. the exact car ride I was dreading for oh so long since the trip started. I was sat in the car, everyone in the same seats they had been using for the time we had spent together. Except this time, I was happily holding onto the hand of the blonde boy who was sat beside me. I couldn't figure out if at this moment, I was the happiest girl in the world, or the saddest. I was so grateful to have such amazing friends, and to have the best boy in the world all to myself. But I was also worried that when we all went home, things wouldn't be the same. What if Tommy decided that long distance wouldn't work? That having your girlfriend living across the world from you was a terrible decision? I shook the thoughts out of my head as the boy himself turned to me.

"I'm gonna miss you. Like, a lot." He whispered to me as we got closer and closer to the destination.

"I'm gonna miss you more. But we'll be okay, we've been this far from each other before, trust me, we can do it again." I smiled at him and he forced a small smile as well, even though I could tell he was upset about going home.

"I guess."

We arrived at the airport and everyone began to say their goodbyes. It was a sad sight. Everyone there had some type of frown on their face. I hugged everyone individually, and I have to admit, some tears were shed. Once I got to Tommy, everyone was still preoccupied, but he was the last person I wanted to say goodbye to, as I knew it would be the hardest. Before I could even think about how to go about this, I was wrapped in his embrace, with his head on top of mine.

"Promise me we'll still talk. And things won't change. Please?" He looked me in the eyes, a sincere look in his eyes. One you don't see often with the loud boy.

"Of course." I checked to make sure no one was paying attention, and pressed my lips against his softly. He leaned in and I could feel the grin forming on his lips. I ran my hands through his hair before pulling away and ruffled it before giving him one last hug. At this point, we all had to get on our own flights, and it was officially goodbye. Once I got on the plane, I was already missing everyone horribly. I wanted to distract myself, so I dug through my carry-on bag to look for my airpods and phone. While searching, I noticed a black hoodie I recognized to be Tommys, he must've shoved it in there while I wasn't looking. I eventually found my headphones and popped them into my ears, just hitting shuffle on my liked songs on spotify. Immediately, the sound of "Coastlines" by Wallows flowed through my ears and I immediately rolled my eyes in response. A song about a long distance relationship. Thanks, spotify. As I listened on, I looked out the window before getting a text from Tommy.

my bitch boy <3
be safe pleaseeee :))

cute american
no i dont want to i want to crash the plane.

my bitch boy <3
fine bitch be that way then

cute american
who said i needed ur permission bitch

my bitch boy <3
whatever ur still american

cute american
we still on this shit??

my bitch boy <3
i dont see a problem

cute american
im literally breaking up with you.

my bitch boy <3
lol, good one!
wait that was a joke right
wait what
wait no
im sorryy nooooo
y/n im sorryyy
did i actually just get broken up with what the fuck

cute american
god fuck and u call tubbo clingy ??
and no im not breaking up with you
but i do have to put my phone in airplane mode

my bitch boy <3

cute american
okayy i will talk to u later my boyfriend <33

my bitch boy <3
okay byeeee

wait did harlow just write an actually good chapter??? thats 700 words???? and actually has effort put into it???
anyways sorry chapters have been shit lately, a lots been going on but ima make this book good again!! love u all and stay safe <3

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