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Maybe I just wanna be yours...

Maybe I just wanna be yours

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y/n pov !

Well, I guess you could say I took Nikis advice, I was bold. Well, I would consider it bold. I called him pretty, of course it was bold. Although, I was pretty proud of myself for leaving him speechless, flustered even. It sounds dumb but Tommy's not exactly the type to blush, at anything really. Whatever, that was a few hours ago, but for some reason I'm still thinking about  it. About the way his blue eyes looked at me, the way his cheeks turned rosy, and not to mention the fact that he called me pretty in the first place. Anyways, back to what I needed to focus on right now, for some reason, Tubbo thought it would be a good idea to offer to make dinner for the whole house, which me and Tommy got roped into, so that was my issue at the moment. I actually used to cook at home sometimes, so it wasn't gonna be too difficult, but it was a bit hard to focus with Tommy and Tubbo messing around the whole time. We decided on making fettuccine, and picked out some of the stuff on the way back from the hike. We had already started boiling the water, but that was it.

"Y/N HOW THE FUCK DO YOU OPEN THIS BOX?" Tommy yelled at me as I broke away from my thoughts. 

"Here, give it to me." He handed me the box and I pried it open with my hands and slowly dropped the noodles into the bubbling water.

"I WANTED TO DO IT!" He yelled again in defeat.


"Fuck you." He said as he walked out of the kitchen. I laughed and went back to stirring the pasta. As soon as Tommy was out of earshot, Tubbo came close and whispered something.

"Soooooo? How's it going with you guys?" He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows as I just rolled my eyes.

"Fuck off! I regret ever telling you!" 

"Hey I just wanted an update! He already called you pretty this morning, that had to had set something off!" He defended. 

"Okay, well it didn't, can we please just make dinner without talking about Tommy?" 

"Whatever!" He said as he opened the sauce. 

We finished up dinner, and everyone just got their own helping of our pasta, Tommy taking credit every 2 minutes even though he didn't do anything. We eventually finished eating dinner and hung out for a bit before going to bed. I was about to go in my room, before I was stopped.

"Uh goodnight y/n." I turned to see Tommy standing outside of his door, speaking in almost a whisper. 

"Goodnight Tommy." I smiled. "Sleep well." And with that, I closed the door and drifted off to sleep. 


sry for short chapter

basically my phone + computer got taken away and i just wanted to put a chapter out asap so have this and next chapter will be longer i promise !!!!! 

ty so fucking much for 5k reads and 162 votes

go drink water and eat i love u MUAH

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