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I said, "Nothing's new, nothing's changed, I still need you"..

I said, "Nothing's new, nothing's changed, I still need you"

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tommy pov !

I woke up in the comfort of the bed I had been staying for the past few days. I remembered y/n falling asleep in here as well, but she was nowhere to be found. I stumbled out of the bed, wondering where Tubbo and y/n were. I heard the faint noises of people talking coming from the living room, so I decided to go check it out. I was met with everyone being back, so I looked at the nearest clock. 12:40 PM. How did I sleep for that long? I brushed it off and greeted everyone, sending a quick smile to y/n. Wilbur explained that we weren't really gonna do anything today, just hang out around the house, which sounded good to everyone. I decided to just have some cereal for breakfast, don't even ask me where we got it, because I don't remember getting any from the store. I sat down at the small island in the middle of the kitchen and ate silently to the quiet conversations everyone was having amongst themselves. Eventually I decided to go on my phone, scrolling through random shit on twitter. Until someone sat next to me.

"Whatcha doin?" y/n smiled, setting her arms on the table as she looked at me.

"Oh uh, nothing really. What did you wanna do today?"

"I'm not sure. You wanna go on a walk?" I picked my head up from my cereal at this, and started nodding eagerly. "Alright then, uh I'm gonna go get ready!" She  had a wide grin on her face as I watched her go down the hallway. I just decided I should probably brush out my hair a bit and get dressed, just enough to go in public. "You ready?" She walked into the living room where I was sat.  

"Ready" I smiled back. We said our goodbyes to everyone and headed out. We mainly just talked about life, and it was so enjoyable. Conversations flowed so easily between us, it was like we've known each other for years. As we talked our hands brushed up against each other occasionally, giving me butterflies every time. Y/n slowly intertwined her fingers with mine, and I wrapped mine around her hand. Things were good. I don't know how long we walked for, but it wasn't long enough. 

A/n ok don't hate me.

I basically broke my computer and got all my electronics taken away ! I'm still sneaking rn but I wanted to give u guys smth so here :))) next chapter might not be for a while :( lobe u all and thank u for all the reads while I was gone 

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