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You've got me under wraps
Darling, I'm in love

You've got me under wrapsDarling, I'm in love

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y/n pov !

Ugh, I really hoped Tommy liked my gift. Like, really. Maybe it was stupid? I tried, okay? I mean, he got me a gift, and I absolutely love it. I mean, he remembered a stupid stuffed animal I was looking at, how thoughtful is that? Wait, no. The stuffed animal isn't stupid, it's cute. I got him the gift because I like him. Do you think.. No. I have to stop right now. Well, actually, I already told Niki AND Tubbo about my feelings, so I kinda have to act on them now. Fuck, why did I tell them again? My thoughts were interrupted by the loud slam of a door. The adults decided to go out for the day, Wilbur and Niki are going to some garden and some other things, and the other three are out doing dream team stuff. Which left me, Tubbo, and Tommy. Alone. Without supervision. For a whole day. Why did anyone think this was a good idea? 

"Alright boys what do we want for lunch?" Tommy yelled walking into the kitchen, to which I just rolled my eyes, but then an idea popped into my head. 

"What if we ordered in today? You know, it could be different." I smiled. I always loved ordering food at home, so it would be nice to do it with my closest friends.

"Oooh yeah! What should we order?" Tubbo asked excitedly. 

"Chinese?" I suggested, and both Tubbo and Tommy nodded eagerly. I looked up the closest place on my phone and called them, before even thinking about what I wanted, or who was gonna order. I frantically gave the phone to Tubbo, and he started to panic. You would think with us being streamers, who speak in front of thousands of people for our job, we would be okay to order some chinese food, but you would be wrong. Tubbo passed the phone to Tommy and his eyes widened before someone picked up, and he had no choice but to order for us. 

After 10 minutes of us trying to figure out what we wanted, Tommy having to repeat himself to the worker, and coming up with the money we needed to pay, we had finally ordered and hung up the phone. 

"Well that was ten times harder than it should've been." Tommy sighed as he flopped down on the couch.

"You're the one who kept fucking mumbling! She couldn't even hear you half the time!" I complained.

"Okay well you didn't even try to order so I don't wanna hear it bitch." He argued back, and I just rolled my eyes again. Did I mention that we argue a lot? It wasn't too long before we heard the doorbell, and we assumed it was the food, so we went to go get it. We got our food and ate in peace. It was around 4 pm when we finished, even though that was supposed to be lunch. For the rest of the day we pretty much just hung around, we got a call from the adults around 7 saying they wouldn't be home until tomorrow, so we decided to watch a movie in Tommy and Tubbo's room. We watched the movie, and eventually I felt my eyelids grow heavy, and before I knew it, I was asleep, my head comfortably resting on a shoulder. 


o em gee

its cliche ik but i wanted this sooo

ok ty for 9.6k reads and 316 votes ! ily all !

go drink water and eat, ur vaild, i love u, muahhhh

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