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Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden, oh
And if I could take it all back
I swear that I would pull you from the tide

Was it something I said to make you feel like you're a burden, ohAnd if I could take it all backI swear that I would pull you from the tide

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y/n pov !

Tommy left the room and not long after, Niki came back.

"Hey, is it alright if Tommy and Tubbo come along? I sort of invited them already." I asked, even though I knew she would say yes. Niki isn't really the type to leave people out of things. She nodded in response and grabbed her purse.

"Also I wanna talk to you alone when we get back! You know, to catch up and stuff." She smiled and I nodded. I wasn't worried I mean, it's not like it's gonna be anything bad, that was for sure. I walked over to where Tommy was staying and knocked on the door, only to be met with Wilbur, not Tommy.

"Oh hello y/n." He said, emphasizing on my name. "You're here for Tommy and Tubbo?" 

"Uh yeah." He turned around to shout at the boys.

"Y/N WANTS YOU GUYS." He turned back around before being shoved out of the way by Tommy, who just grabbed my wrist and pulled me along to the front door, Tubbo close behind. I don't know why, but when he grabbed my wrist, I felt butterflies fill my stomach. Okay well to be fair, I did know why, but I don't wanna think that way right now. He only sees me as a friend, and that's okay. It's better this way, trust me. We all went into the car, Niki driving, Tubbo in passengers seat, and me and Tommy the row behind them.

"So uh what do you think we're gonna buy?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I think we'll just get whatever looks good. Wilbur gave me his credit card so feel free to get what you want." She explained as we pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. It was only about a 2 minute drive from the Airbnb. 

We got out of the car and all kind of headed our separate ways. I didn't wanna get too much and be greedy, but everything looked so good. I found myself in the soda aisle, and decided to grab a case of Dr. Pepper. It was my favorite soda, and I didn't bring any to London with me. This should be enough to last me the week. I then realized that my hands were already full, and I only had one item with me. Although, before I could figure out a solution, someone else noticed my struggling. 

"Need some help with that?" I turned to see Tommy at the end of the aisle, pushing a shopping  cart. I headed over to him and sat down the case in the cart, to see the only other thing he put in there was a frozen pizza. "I was just coming to grab some coke but, you seemed to be struggling a bit." He laughed.

"Yeah uh, thanks." I smiled as we continued to shop together. We ended up also grabbing some ramen, a big bag of chips, which Tommy kept calling crisps, some Oreos, and cereal. 

"God, you Americans and your weird way of talking." He complained as we walked to the front of the store, looking for Niki and Toby. 

"OUR weird way of talking? You just called chips CRISPS!" I argued back and laughed. 

We eventually found the two and checked out. Niki, being the responsible one, got eggs, bread, pancake mix, syrup (ironic, right?), some pre-packaged salads, a gallon of milk, and a case of water. Tubbo picked up some ice cream, Capri-Suns, mini donuts, and some packaged cookie dough that you could just put in the oven. When we eventually left the store, the sun was setting  and it was getting colder. Once we sat down in the car, Tommy grabbed the syrup from the bag and held it up to show me.

"Look, it's you." He joked. It wasn't that clever, or funny, but for some reason it made my heart light up with joy.

"You're an idiot." I rolled my eyes and chuckled. God, I wish he was my idiot. 


ayo ayo

good enough chapter ig

y/n's a simp whats new🙄

anyways i have the next 10-12 chapters planned out so ill probably be updating more frequently now that its all kinda coming together


please lmk who i should write a book about once i finish this one and if it should be an x reader or x OC bc i have no clue.

ok go to eat and drink water now I LOVE YOU MUAHH


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