The Big Sleep

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Bolting up, I hit my head on the bunk above me. I could still hear the sound ringing through my ears, seeming to echo in my head. Rubbing my temple, I let out a groan.

"We don't catch a break, do we?" Bridgette muttered, and I couldn't help but giggle, flopping back onto the mattress. Trying to wake myself up, I hear the annoying voice of our 'lovely' host, Chris.

"Morning campers! Rise and shine! You've got stuff to do! And trust me, it'll be a VERY fun day!" I roll my eyes, placing my hands over my eyes. Perhaps if I pretended to be asleep, they'd leave me alone?

"Same goes for you, [Y/N]! Up and at 'em!" I glare, crawling out of my covers.

"God help me..."

After dressing in my comfy [F/C] hoodie and leggings, I left the cabin, seeing a few campers already awake.

"What's for breakfast?" I heard Owen ask, and I smiled. That guy was definitely a mood.

"Actually, you'll be having breakfast after your next challenge, a twenty-kilometre run. To win, your whole team needs to complete the course, and be back at the main lodge before the other team." Chris stated, and multiple glares were directed towards him. I saw Eva ready to punch him. Honestly, it made me excited, until Geoff and Duncan restrained her.

"You've got to be kidding!" Heather repulsed, gesturing to her footwear. I had to say, I was pretty pissed, too.

"Guess that's why you don't wear heels on a reality show." Gwen smirked, and I laughed.

"You guys should've let Eva get him," I told Duncan and Geoff, who jumped at the fact I'd been here all this time.

"Well, look at that, the princess is awake. How'd you sleep, sweetheart?" I rolled my eyes, however, I felt my heart pick up a little. No way, this was not happening. Ignoring Duncan, I followed Chris, who was leading us to the beginning of the run.

Everyone took off, me maintaining a steady pace. I knew or thing or two about running, especially long-distance track. The key was to not go hard too early because that would just tire me too quickly. I glanced back for a brief moment, taking note of the number of people walking. Heather seemed to be speaking with Owen, while others were walking alone, or already puffed. Focusing my attention forward, I kept my breathing even.

"Well, sweetheart, I'm surprised. Didn't think you'd be able to keep up with the big guys." I gave a quick glance to my left, with Duncan locking eyes with me. The same heart rate came back, however, it would be easy to blame it on the running.

"What's wrong, Duncy? Afraid a girl will beat you?" I smirked. I could tell he was beginning to get frustrated, as with a grunt, he began to push forward in front of me. Two could play at that game. Forcing my legs, I matched his pace once again, sending a wink his way, before bolting past him.

"See you at the finish line!"

I bolted up the stairs of the main lodge, feeling my heart beating up in my throat. Collapsing on the chair, Duncan fell beside me.

"Good... one..." He panted, making me let out a forced laugh, trying to get as much air as possible. Sitting up straight, I noticed a few more people making their way into the lodge. Geoff, DJ, Tyler, Bridgette; all the athletic type people. I rested my head on the table, tracing my finger along the wood. I could feel a pair of eyes watching me, however, I was too distracted to care.

A short while later, everyone was at the lodge.

"Wait, that means we won!" I heard Gwen cheer, her fellow teammates cheering along with her.

Totally Dramatic (Duncan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now