Camp Castaways

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"Last time on Total Drama Island... 

In a special episode, we visited the kicked-off campers at the Resort of Rejects. Playa Des Losers! We learned that Bridgette and Geoff are still going strong, Katie and Sadie still share a brain, and Courtney is still carrying a grudge against Harold for fixing the ballots against her. In a shocking twist, we let the losers vote off one of the final six campers and in an even more shocking twist, it was Leshawna who found herself in Loserville, population: eighteen. Who will be voted off this week in the most dramatic campfire ceremony yet? Find out tonight on Total. Drama. Island!"

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island! This week, we've prepared a bizarre episode full of surprises. For instance, take this weather. Rain is not an easy thing to control, let me tell you. But, we figured the four remaining campers were getting off way too easy. So, we pulled some strings, and voila! D'ah!"

I rested my arms on the railing, watching as the rain began growing heavier. Somehow, somewhere, someone had been able to actually make it rain in this place. It was a nice change, but I wasn't a fan of storms.

"Frowning like a big suck won't bring Leshawna back, you know. It'll just give you premature wrinkles. Oops. Too late." Heather snickered at Gwen, and I turned my attention to the two girls. Heather, Gwen, Duncan and I were all at one cabin, just lounging about until the next challenge. Leshawna being voted off definitely had put some strain on us remaining few, as it seemed to be that she was one of the only few who could keep Heather under control.

"Why don't you just put us out of our misery and vote yourself off?" Gwen suggested, and I nodded.

"So nice to see you two getting along. Gives me the warm fuzzies." Duncan rolled his eyes, Heather making a face of disgust.

"In your dreams, perv!" She frowned, and I shot her a glare.

"Heather, you're one nasty name away before I shove you out into that rain. Have fun dealing with your hair after that." I smiled innocently, moving over to take a seat next to Gwen at the steps.

"Man, this sucks! Even Owen couldn't put a shiny happy spin on this weather. Speaking of which, where is Owen?" His question caught me off guard, as I glanced around to realize that I hadn't seen Owen all day, which for him, was odd.

"Woohoo! Final five, baby! Yeah! Haha. You know, I really like the other four. They're solid competitors. We all have a real trust thing going, which is why it's a good thing no one knows about the junk food I'm stashing." Owen chuckled. "Okay, they'll probably be mad. But not as steamed as Chef when he finds out I was raiding his pantry. Oh! Darn it! There's something about this confessional that just makes me wanna confess stuff!" 

That night, I had a dream. It was clear, almost vivid. Chris' face often showed, as it had for the past few days. Ever since I'd found out, things had become more clear. The tapes, the photos, but what I still didn't understand was why. Why did he leave my mother? There were so many questions I still wanted to ask, things I wanted answers to, but it looked like I'd have to wait. After all, I was so close to winning this.

My bed felt like it was swaying, almost like it was being rocked by someone. 

"What the fuck?" I opened my eyes, hearing Duncan's voice be way too close for my liking. Why did he come into our cabin? But once my eyes adjusted, I realized just what was going on. I shot up, water splashing up onto my blanket.

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