Hide and Be Sneaky

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   Previously on Total Drama Island...

The campers searched for treasure and yours truly put in an impressive performance as a pirate. But this was no ordinary treasure hunt. Some campers put their lives on the line to snag their booty. While Geoff put his stomach on the line, doing something that would make most people hurl. But in the end, the campers who went the limit were rewarded with treasures that, in hindsight, probably weren't worth the effort. Oh well. Except for Heather, who, for the umphteenth time in a row, managed to win the coveted invincibility prize and avoid getting voted off. Meanwhile, Trent and Gwen's love train went right off the rails, thanks to Heather's scheming. And it was Trent who walked the plank. Ha ha harr. Who will be the next unlucky camper to walk The Dock of Shame? Who will lose their cool? Who will lose their lunch? Find out on the most shocking episode yet on Total. Drama. Island!

I was right back to square one. Again.

I was waking up this every morning. Frustrated, angry, upset, the works. I rolled onto my stomach, trying to force myself to enjoy the last hour of sleep, which wasn't coming anytime soon. I let out a groan, lifting my head that was buried in the pillow. Withdrawing last nights surprise, I stared at the ripped half of the picture. The man, with dark hair and smiling eyes, stared back at me, almost as if trying to tell me something. I flipped it over once more. I'd gotten the face, but the name? It had been scratched off, as if not wanting to reveal itself. I rolled my eyes, shoving it under my pillow once more. I needed to focus on the game. I was doing so well. I actually had a chance to win this thing.

The sound of shuffling feet caused me to sit up, eyes searching in the minimal light. Vaguely, I could make out the outline of Leshawna, rummaging through Heather's bag.

"Leshawna? What are you doing?" I whispered into the dark, seeing her eyes dart to me in panic. When she realised, I saw her face soften.

"That boyfriend-stealing, no good celebrity wannabe deserves a taste of her own medicine." Leshawna lifted what was in her hand. A pair of small scissors. I grinned in the dark.

"You didn't ask me if I wanted to help." I chuckled softly, making my way out of my bed. She definitely deserved what was coming.

I sat between Duncan and Gwen, my arm around the shoulder of the latter. She definitely had taken a turn for the worst. It was awful seeing her like this.

"Cheer up, Gwen. Just remember, nothing is better than revenge." I grinned, and could see her eyes brighten. Leshawna, Gwen and I had made a pact of sorts. We planned on taking Heather down.

"I heard revenge, so I'm listening." Duncan chimed in, and I sent him a look.

"Sorry, bud. This is a girls-only revenge. Oh, wait, I guess that includes you then." He glared at me, and I couldn't help but laugh. It was too easy to get on his nerves.

"Today's challenge is a good old fashioned game of hide-and-seek. You all get ten minutes to hide before Chef Hatchet comes looking for you. With his military background and an advanced degree in man-hunting, he's uniquely qualified to make this game excruciatingly hard." Chris spoke, causing my attention to turn to him. My eyes landed on Chef, a water gun in his hand. A powerful one at that.

"What's with the water -" I placed a hand over Duncan's mouth, him glancing at me.

"You know what happens when you ask for a demonstration," I mutter, and he nodded. I removed my hand, but he grabbed my arm, tugging me a bit closer to him.

"Thanks for the save, gorgeous." He smirked down at me, and I rolled my eyes, smirking.

"No problem, Juvie."

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