Haute Camp-ture

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A/N: The first part of this is not written in [Y/N]'s POV, that will come later. Also, I'm writing as if the book is taking place in 2021, meaning that Chris is around 40-42 whilst filming!

"In today's special episode of Total Drama Island... You've been watching Gwen, Heather, Duncan, Leshawna, [Y/N] and Owen make their way to the final six. It's been a long seven weeks. . ."

A series of clips appear, showcasing the events that have unfolded over previous episodes. Leshawna is shown vomiting over the railing of the cabin, Gwen and Heather shown running from a bear, Owen swimming in a lake filled with leeches, and Duncan and [Y/N] running from raccoons.

"So, we decided to give our weary finalists the day off so we could contemplate how far they've gotten and enjoy all the campgrounds have to offer. But what happens to the campers after they walk the Dock of Shame, board the Boat of Losers and leave the camp?"

"Where are these rejects living? How are they spending their time? And who do they think deserves to win the hundred grand? The losers are about to let it all hang out! And you won't wanna miss a word! Coming up on Total. Drama. Island!"

"Welcome to Playa des Losers. The all-inclusive luxury resort where our contestants are sent after being brutally voted out of the game to lick their wounds and accept their fate as reality show has-beens. When we are down to the two final competitors, their fate will be in the hands of these seventeen losers!"

The eliminated campers were all shown, many with happy, enjoyable looks on their faces. Beth sighed happily.

"If it wasn't a shark, what was it?" Katie asked, fear crossing her features. Izzy popped up from the water, chuckling.

"Sorry about that. I just had the urge to bite something. Have you ever felt that? Like you just have to sink your teeth into something? Maybe that's how sharks feel, huh? Okay, bye!" The girl dove under once more, and Sadie and Katie were left dumbfounded.

"As you can see, our campers have made themselves comfortable here at our luxury resort. Looks like Geoff and Bridgette are happy to be reunited." The camera panned to the two blondes, both over each other in the hot tub.

"Dude! This resort is off the charts!"

"Can you believe this place is right around the corner from that crappy campground?" Trent asked, a smile on his lips.

"Now this is what I'm talking about. I could hang here for a while." DJ admitted.

"Yo, Cody! Need some sunscreen? You're looking a bit pink, dude!" Trent glanced over to the boy, already seeing the red plastering his skin. Cody shook his head adamently. 

"No thanks! I'm trying to get a tan! It attracts the ladies!"

"I love being a loser! This is so much more my style. If I'd known how phat this place was, I would've gotten my butt kicked off in the first episode. Plus, now Tyler and I can hang out." Lindsay exclaimed. "Which one's Tyler?"

Courtney rolled her eyes. "I don't care how nice this place is, I'm not supposed to be here. After I was kicked off, I found out exactly what went on the night I was eliminated." The brunette glared at the camera.

"It was all Harold's fault! I should be in the final six right now! When I find that little twerp, I'm gonna grab hold of him, and wring his skinny, awkward little neck! You hear me, Harold? I know you're hiding around here somewhere! He has to come out sometime. And when he does, he's going to get it." She sneered.

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