Phobia Factor

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  Hey guys. So personally, I really didn't want to update. For some reason, I just had trouble to bring myself to write. I knew I owed it to you guys to update, so here it is. Sorry if this chapter isn't up to the usual standard, but I hope you enjoy it anyhow.

Also, I was wondering how old my readers are? I'm planning on having some coarse language (you know us teens), and was just making sure everyone was okay with it?

I'd found the team sitting around the campfire, moping about our recent loss. Bridgette seemed to be comforting Sadie; the girls face is drenched in tears. I gave a sympathetic smile, taking a seat beside the sad girl.

"Hey, it's okay," I began to soothe, rubbing her back gently.

"Just think, Katies out there somewhere, knowing that you have a chance to win this," I say. Sadie glances up at me, her tears beginning to subside.

"Y-You really think so?" She queries, a small quaver in her voice.

"I know so," I state, before the girl pulls me into a tight hug. I'd never been much of an affectionate person, to say the least, but I felt I had to help Sadie. Gently embracing her, I notice a small smile forming on her lips.

"Thanks, [Y/N]. You too, Bridgette." She turns to the blonde, Bridgette smiling back broadly, squeezing Sadie's shoulder in comfort.

"Don't sweat it. We're a team, we have to take care of each other. I nod in agreement, before we're interrupted by Courtney.

"What do you guys want? Come by to rub it in?" She sneered, almost angrily at Trent, who I noticed was carrying something in his hands. It looked like cookies?

"We got you some extra dessert after our tuck shop party. Thought you might want some." He explained, me bouncing onto the opportunity. I hadn't had something decent to eat the entire time we'd been here.

"Don't mind if I do." Grabbing a cookie from the plate, I take a bite out of it, hearing Trent's laughter.

"So what? You're just being... Nice?" Courtney asked, curiosity on her face. Gwen sighed.

"Okay. Owen stank up our cabin and we need some time to air out."

"But how can it stink out both the boys and girls if they're separated?" I asked, taking another bit. Gwen shrugged.

"That's Owen for you." I nod, before I glance to see Courtney squirming in fear.

"I-I'm good." She said to Beth, who was offering her a plate of green jelly with gummy worms.

"You dieting or something?" Duncan asked, and I realized that he'd only just shown up. He took a seat next to me, smiling. I wanted to ask about our conversation, but not in front of everyone.

"No! I... I just don't like green jelly, okay?" I glanced at her, a brow raised. Jelly? Really? As Beth brings the plate to DJ, he squeals, knocking the jelly out of Beth's hands. It lands on the ground, chunks flying everywhere.

"Sorry for trippin'. Snakes just freak me out." He explained, staring at the worm. Tyler pitched in.

"I feel you. Chickens give me the creeps, dude." I can't help but let out a small giggle. This was beginning to get interesting. Suddenly, it was a whole fear fest. Everyone seemed to pitch in their fear.

"What's my worst fear? I guess being buried alive." Gwen shivered.

Lindsay began to breathe heavily, "Walking through a minefield. In heels."

"Flying, man. That's some crazy stuff." Owen admitted

"Hah. I would never go up in a plane. Never!" Izzy joined in.

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