Not Quite Famous

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The young [E/C] eye girl bustled about, her locks flowing behind her. She was wearing a wide smile, giggling as she ran. A man swooped her up onto his shoulders, laughing as she squealed in delight. "Daddy! Put me down!" The girl laughed, holding tightly and the man spun her around. He smiled, turning to see her face. "Hm, nope, I'm gonna keep you up here!" He ran, the young child continuing to giggle with excitement.

My eyes snapped open, the cold sweat dripping from my forehead. That dream again. I'd had it on several occasions back home, but nothing this vivid. The picture was clear as day, except for the man. It was as if a part of my brain was forcing him to be forgotten, unable to place a face or a name. I rolled onto my back, seeing Katie and Sadie giggling to themselves in the corner. I sat up, combing my fingers through my hair. What time was it?

"Morning, [Y/N]!" The girls said in unison, causing another round of giggles to erupt. I shook my head, a small smile forming on my lips. Those girls confused me so much, but their friendship was adorable. Suddenly, the cabin door opened, showing Bridgette and Courtney enter. The girls were talking, before stopping to greet the rest of us.

"Morning!" Courtney chirped, and I raised a brow. This girl had some wacky mood swings, or was it just me reading the wrong signals. I gave a wave of acknowledgment, before getting up. As I did, the loudspeaker clicked on.

"All right, campers! Enough beauty sleep! Time to show us what you're made of!" I rolled my eyes, flopping back onto my bed.

"Nope," I muttered, covering my face with my pillow. Bridgette and Courtney looked at each other, before grabbing one of my legs and pulling me down. "Hey!"

In denim shorts and a [F/C] long sleeve, I trudged over to the bleachers, accompanied by a large stage. Did I like where this was going? No.

"Morning, sunshine." The honey-like voice caused me to gag, before I noticed Duncan nodding over at me.

"Morning, sugar." I faked sweet, before him and I both broke into a small laugh. Taking a seat next to him, I put my feet up, crossing them underneath me.

"You like the looks of this?"

"Not one bit."

"Neither do I." I noticed Bridgette looking over to me, wiggling her brows. I shook my head, giving a small 'don't say a word' glare. She shrugged, smiling, before turning back to the stage, where Chris was now presenting himself.

"Welcome to our brand new deluxe state-of-the-art outdoor amphitheater! Okay, this week's challenge is a summer camp favorite. A talent contest!" I muffled a groan, biting down on my bottom lip. No. Freaking. Way.

"Each team has eight hours to pick their three most talented campers." Oh crap, crap, crap!

"These three will represent them in the show tonight. Sing, dance, juggle. Anything goes, as long as it's legal." He glanced over to Duncan, who snapped his fingers. I smiled, before my anxiety once again kicked in.

"You'll be judged by our resident talent scout, former DJ, VJ, and rap legend, Grand Master Chef, who will show his approval via the Chef-o-Meter." The machine looked out of date, although, Chef was showing it off no matter what.

"The team that loses will send one camper home tonight. Good luck."

I paced in the cabins, my other teammates outside. I was avoiding out there at all costs, because I knew if I even stood foot out there, Courtney, or one of the other girls, would try to get me to audition. That was not happening. I reminded myself of the time a girl at my school did a performance in front of everyone. She got halfway through her act, before the nerves kicked in, and she bolted off stage crying. Everyone was so cruel, calling her names for the rest of the year. That girl was now my best friend, and as much as she was brave throughout it all, it put me off performing for a long time.

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