Wawanakwa Gone Wild!

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Last time on Total Drama Island...

An escaped psycho killer terrorized our campers with his meat-mangling hook and his mega murderous chainsaw. There was a large amount of screaming, especially considering the whole thing was really just an elaborate punk. Ooh, ooh, ooh! I love this part! Duncan was the only one to psych out the psycho! But ultimate victory went to Gwen, who somehow ended up in the kitchen with an actual psycho, which left DJ the chicken-heart to float the Loser Boat home. Only eight campers remain. Who will win? Who will lose? Ow! Who will need a rabies shot thanks to this ungrateful little– Find out on this episode of... Total. Drama. Island!

The remaining few of us were walking back to camp, after having some downtime. Duncan, arm wrapped around my shoulder, was talking with Geoff as we walked. My gaze wandered around. The group was small, and you couldn't help but wonder who would be gone next.

"Wild flowers for a wild and crazy gal?" Owen held a bouquet of flowers towards Izzy.

"Oh, yeah? As in the kind you abandon and leave for dead in the hands of a chainsaw-wielding psycho killer with a hook?" Izzy retorted, a frustrated look on her face.

"Me? Abandon you? Never! Never ever!" Owen insisted, and Gwen and I exchanged a look. As we looked back, we noticed the boy had suddenly disappeared.

"Wasn't there just a three hundred pound bag of joy talking to you?" Gwen asked, and someone gasped from above. Glancing up, I saw Owen dangling from a tree.

"I'm only 296. Someone set a trap. Or two." As he spoke, a creak echoed. A metal cage came flying down, ensnaring all of us. Chris appeared, and I rolled my eyes.

"Let me guess, the challenge has something to do with traps." I stated, and the host beamed.

"You're getting good at this, [Y/N]. Maybe I'll get you to start running the show." I shook my head in defiance. I would rather not. "Anyway, let's chat about the challenge over chow. Shall we?" As he walked away, I heard Owen grunt from above.

"He's coming back to untrap us, right? Ah! Oof!"A knife flew, and an audible 'thud' was heard as Owen landed on the cage. The door swung open, and we piled out.

"Thanks, Owen."

I dug my spoon into the bowl, lifting it to see the stretchy, thick paste-like sludge close up. Shockingly, it had no taste.

"Oh, that does not look edible." Leshawna gasped, watching as I lifted the spoon further to see how far it would stretch.

"Is it paste?" Gwen asked, stirring her own spoon around in the bowl.

"Campers, there are only eight of you left on Total Drama Island. After tonight's dramatic bonfire ceremony, only seven of you will remain. We're nearing the end people, so look alive!" Chris exclaimed, and I felt my heart pick up the pace.

Duncan smirked. "What are my chances of winning? I'd say they're pretty darn great because anyone who doesn't vote for me is a dead man. Are you listening out there, all of you who have been kicked off? If you don't vote for me, I'll find you!"

Geoff beamed. "I am so stoked! The final eight, and I'm going all the way, dudes! Woohoo! I think I got a good shot at winning. Heck, I won student council president two years running, and I didn't even give a speech! I can do this, man. Woohoo!" He pumped his fists into the air.

"Today's challenge involves making like our province's great rangers and game wardens. You'll each have eight hours to trap an animal." Duncan grabbed Owen into a headlock, smirking at the host.

"Got one!" He insisted, and I shook my head.

"A wild animal. Which you must bring back to the campfire. Unharmed." Chris sent Duncan a look, and he let go of the blond boy, a frown now upon his lips.

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